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目的:考察头孢地嗪钠在25℃和37℃条件下与6种常用输液的配伍稳定性。方法:模拟临床常用浓度和配制方法,将头孢地嗪钠分别与5%葡萄糖注射液(5%GS)、10%葡萄糖注射液(10%GS)、0.9%氯化钠注射液(NS)、葡萄糖氯化钠注射液(GNS)、复方氯化钠注射液(CNS)和灭菌注射用水(注射水)配伍,观察配伍液外观、pH值、含量、微粒等变化。结果:(1)随着放置时间的延长,头孢地嗪钠各指标均有所下降,37℃时变化更为明显;(2)25℃时,5%GS在24h时及10%GS、GNS在6h有颜色变化;10%GS在24h时△pH为0.21;10%GS配伍24h后头孢地嗪钠含量降低11.2%;(3)37℃时,5%GS在6h时及10%GS、GNS在4h有颜色变化;10%GS、GNS在24h时△pH分别为0.37和0.34;5%GS、10%GS、GNS、CNS配伍24h后头孢地嗪钠含量分别降低14.9%、19.3%、16.1%和11.1%;(4)其他配伍液较稳定。结论:头孢地嗪钠不宜高温存放,除注射水外,其与5%GS、10%GS、GNS、CNS配伍后宜分别在6h、4h、4h和6h内用完。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the compatibility of cefodizime sodium with six kinds of common infusion solutions at 25 ℃ and 37 ℃. Methods: The concentration of cefodizime sodium and 5% glucose injection (5% GS), 10% glucose injection (10% GS), 0.9% sodium chloride injection GNS, CNS and sterile water for injection (injection water) were used to observe the changes of appearance, pH, content and particles of compatibility liquid. Results: (1) The cefodizime sodium decreased with the prolonging of the storage time, and the changes were more obvious at 37 ℃. (2) At 25 ℃, 5% GS at 24h and 10% GS, GNS The color change at 6h; the pH of 0. 10% GS at 24h was 0.21; the content of cefodizime sodium decreased by 11.2% after 10% GS was added for 24h; (3) At 37 ℃, 5% GS at 6h and 10% GS, GNS had a color change at 4h; the pH values ​​of 10% GS and GNS at 24h were 0.37 and 0.34, respectively; the content of cefodizime sodium decreased by 14.9% and 19.3% after 5% GS, 10% GS, GNS and CNS respectively, 16.1% and 11.1%; (4) Other compatible liquid more stable. Conclusion: Cefodizime sodium should not be stored at high temperature. Except injection water, it should be used within 6h, 4h, 4h and 6h respectively after compatibility with 5% GS, 10% GS, GNS and CNS.
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