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仲秋八月,与友人结伴去游天下雄关剑门.一路上几番想起明代诗人苏平那“远游无处不销魂,细雨骑驴入剑门”的诗句.车行千里,越过稻黄豆热的川北大地,终于来到了“穷地之险,极路之峻”的剑门雄关.到得剑门古镇,尚未游览,呀!只见这里总计二百来家店铺中竟有近百家是卖豆腐的饭店.可说是排成了“豆腐阵”.更有趣的是店铺大都以娃子、妹子命名,什么“六娃子豆腐店”啦,“七娃子豆腐店”啦,还有“二妹豆腐店”、“三妹豆腐店”等等,我想这当中肯定有点什么来头.豆腐店这么多,却不见有一扇石磨,只见有一辆三轮车正一家家地送豆腐,车后挡板上写着“李三友”这个名字.我见着车上这一箱箱洁白、细嫩、绵软的豆腐,不禁走上前去用手指角摸了一下,顺口就赞叹道:“真美呀!色如梨花带雪,嫩如少女肌肤.”导游见我看得兴趣盎然,便进一步向我介绍说:“饭店的爷爷、奶奶、娃子、妹子们就用这些优质豆腐经过煎、炒、炖、烤 (火督)、烩、炸、腌、熏等方式做出了二三百个菜肴,今晚你们将要吃的‘三国宴’就是其中一部份.”这使我立时咋舌起来. Zhong Qiu August, go hand in hand with friends to tour the world Guan Jian door .Some times along the way think of the Ming Dynasty poet Su Ping, “far travel everywhere ecstasy, drizzle donkey into the door” poem. The hot northern Sichuan earth, finally came to “the risk of the poor, the road to the Jun of the Jianmen Xiong Guan. To the ancient town of Jianmen, yet to visit, ah! I saw here a total of two hundred stores in nearly a hundred Is selling tofu hotel can be said to be lined with ”tofu array.“ What is more interesting is the shop most of the baby son, sister named, what ”Liu Ba Zi tofu shop“ friends, ”seven baby tofu shop“ friends, as well as ”two Sister tofu shop “,” Sanmei tofu shop “and so on, I think this is certainly a little bit of what .Tofu shop so much, but there is not a stone mill, I saw a tricycle is every family to send tofu, car baffle I read the box on the car white, tender, soft tofu, can not help but go forward with a finger touch a bit, shouted: ”so beautiful! Color such as Pear with snow, tender, such as girl skin. “I see the tour guide is full of interest, then further to me, said: The Grandpa, Grandma, Wazi, and Sister of the hotel made two or three hundred dishes of these high-quality tofu after they were fried, fried, stewed, roasted (fire supervisor), braised, fried, The ”Three Kingdoms Feast“ is one part of it. ”This made me stand up instantly.
在食物加工过程中 ,由于没有按照规程操作 ,食物中某些成分能转变成致癌物质 ,或食物中混有致癌物质 ,经常摄入这类食物则易诱发癌症。熏烤食品高温熏烤食品 ,能使食物表面分
通过多年的教学实践,我探索了一套勺工分段达标训练法,比之其他训练方法有着需时短、效果好的优点.现将其介绍如下: Through many years of teaching practice, I have exp
原料:净草鱼肉500克 番茄酱50克 番茄2只 鸡蛋1只 料酒10克 精盐15克 胡椒粉 味精各适量鲜汤500克 混合油50克 姜、葱花、蒜粒各少许 水豆粉35克 香油 5克制作:先将净草鱼肉
(一)鼠之入肴由来已久 笔者初识鼠肴,是50年代旅居广西的时候。当时,主人唯恐我这个远方来客饮食忌鼠,讹称为鸡。我在食间才得悉究竟,实在不胜惊异。因为我自幼生长在黄河下
“即便一个心地纯洁的人,一个不忘在夜间祈祷的人,也难免在乌头草盛开的月圆之夜变身为狼。”近半个世纪以来,狼人无疑已经成为西方神秘文化中最热门的话题 “Even a heart-
陕西·刘海波问:牛奶或羊奶煮热,鸡蛋打入奶中熟后稍凉,再在奶液中加入蜂蜜同吃,是否科学?奶、蛋、蜂蜜同吃是否有缺点? Shaanxi Liu Haibo Q: hot milk or goat milk, eggs into