Nd-Sr Isotopic Geochemistry of the Late Archean-Paleoproterozoic Granitoids in the Lüliang-Wutai Ter

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kjnojn
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In this paper we report geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic data for a late Archean gneissic granitic pluton (Hengling pluton), an early Paleoproterozoic complex (Xipan complex) and a late Paleoproterozoic granitic pluton (Yunzhongshan granites) from the Lüliang-Wutai terrain, North China, to trace the source of these late Archean-Paleoproterozoic granitoids and, particularly, to understand the nature and mechanism of continental growth at that time. The Hengling granitic gneisses (ca. 2.51 Ga) are characterized by high Na2O and LILEs, TTG-like REE patterns (highly depleted HREE and minor Eu anomalies) and moderately depleted Nd-Sr isotopic compositions (εNd(t) =1.2?2.7, ISr=0.7015?0.7019), and were considered as being products of arc magmatism that was developed upon the North China craton. The Xipan complex (ca. 2.2 Ga) contain gabbroic diorite and monzonite, mostly being Na2O-rich, highly fractionated REE patterns and isotopically enriched (εNd(t) =?1.5 to ?4.1, ISr=0.7038?0.706). The gabbroic diorites probably originated from melting of an enriched mantle source, but significantly contaminated by lower crustal material, and the monzonites probably represent a product of a mixture between the gabbroic dioritic magma and granitic melts of crustal origin. The Yunzhongshan post-collisional granitoids (ca. 1.8 Ga) are characterized by high-K affinity and highly-enriched and homogeneous Nd isotopic compositions (εNd(t)=?4.9 to ?5.7), although they split into two groups in terms of REE patterns: one group showing elevated HREE (and Sc, Y and Zr) with significant negative Eu anomalies and the other showing highly depleted HREE and, to a lesser extent, mid-REE with negligible Eu anomalies. These granites are genetically related to a process of extensional collapse of a thickened orogen. They formed through magma mixing between mantle- derived basaltic magmas and crust-derived granitic melts, followed by significant fractionation of ferromagnesian phases (like hornblende and Cpx) and feldspar and accessory zircons. Some Yunzhongshan granites show very old Nd model ages (2.9?3.0 Ga), suggesting the existence of continental crust older than 2.7 Ga, which is supported by our zircon Hf isotopic data for these granites. In this paper we report geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic data for a late Archean gneissic granitic pluton (Hengling pluton), an early Paleoproterozoic complex (Xipan complex) and a late Paleoproterozoic granitic pluton (Yunzhongshan granites) from the Lüliang-Wutai terrain, North China, to trace the source of these late Archean-Paleoproterozoic granitoids and, particularly, to understand the nature and mechanism of continental growth at that time. The Hengling granitic gneisses (ca. 2.51 Ga) are characterized by high Na2O and LILEs, TTG- like REE patterns (highly depleted in HREE and minor Eu anomalies) and moderately depleted Nd-Sr isotopic compositions (εNd (t) = 1.2? 2.7, ISr = 0.7015? 0.7019), and were considered as being products of arc magmatism that was developed upon the North China craton. The Xipan complex (ca. 2.2 Ga) contains gabbroic diorite and monzonite, mostly being Na2O-rich, highly fractionated REE patterns and isotopically enriched (εNd (t) =? 1.5 to? 4.1, ISr = 0.7038? 0.706 The gabbroic diorites probably originated from melting of an enriched mantle source, but significantly obscured by lower crustal material, and the monzonites may represent a product of a mixture between the gabbroic dioritic magma and granitic melts of crustal origin. The Yunzhongshan post-collisional granitoids (ca . 1.8 Ga) are characterized by high-K affinity and highly-enriched and homogeneous Nd isotopic compositions (εNd (t) =? 4.9 to? 5.7), although they split into two groups in terms of REE patterns: one group showing elevated HREE (and Sc, Y and Zr) with significant negative Eu anomalies and the other showed highly depleted HREE and, to a lesser extent, mid-REE with negligible Eu anomalies. These granites are genetically related to a process of extensional collapse of a thickened orogen They formed through magma mixing between mantle- derived basaltic magmas and crust-derived granitic melts, followed by significant fractionation of ferromagnesian phases (like hornblende a nd CSome Yunzhongshan granites show very old Nd model ages (2.9 ~ 3.0 Ga), suggesting the existence of continental crust older than 2.7 Ga, which is supported by our zircon Hf isotopic data for these granites.
背景资料●早在2009年,广东珠海在全国率先设立市委社会工作委员会和市社会工作促进局,与市民政局合署办公,主要统筹指导社工建设和社会组织的党 Background Information ●
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