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目前,我国正积极探索职业教育现代学徒制。2015年8月6日,教育部办公厅发布《关于公布首批现代学徒制试点单位的通知》,遴选165家单位作为首批现代学徒制试点单位和行业试点牵头单位,教育部将加大投入力度,通过财政资助、政府购买等措施,引导企业和职业院校积极开展现代学徒制试点。要求各地要“加强科学研究工作,坚持边试点边研究”。比较是一个重要的视角。学徒制需要怎样的顶层设计,具体如何操作?借鉴他国的经验,反观反思我国探索现代学徒制的环境、条件和制度设计,对现代学徒制在我国的顺利推进有着重要意义。教育部职业技术教育中心研究所副所长刘立新翻译了《奥地利联邦职业教育法——联邦学徒职业教育法》全文,向我们展示了奥地利关于企业实施学徒制职业教育的法律规范。全文共6万余字,本刊将分三期连载,以飨读者。 At present, our country is actively exploring the modern apprenticeship system in vocational education. On August 6, 2015, the General Office of Education issued the Notice on the Announcement of the First Batch of Modern Apprenticeships, and selected 165 units as the first pilots of modern apprenticeships and industry pilot units. The Ministry of Education will invest more Efforts will be made to guide enterprises and vocational colleges to actively carry out modern apprenticeship pilots through measures such as financial aid and government purchase. All localities are required to “strengthen scientific research and adhere to the pilot study”. Comparison is an important perspective. Appreciation of the top-level design of apprenticeship depends on the experiences of other countries. On the other hand, the reflection on the environment, conditions and system design of our country’s exploration of modern apprenticeship is of great significance to the smooth progress of modern apprenticeship in our country. Liu Lixin, deputy director of the Institute of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of Education, translated the full text of the Austrian Federal Law on Vocational Education - Federal Apprenticeship Vocational Education Law, which shows us the legal norms governing the vocational education of apprentices in Austria. The full text of a total of more than 6 words, this issue will be divided into three series, in order to readers.
纪念《中国饲料》创刊十周年 Commemorate the tenth anniversary of “China Feed”
唐朝的魏征说过 :以铜为镜 ,可以正衣冠 ;以史为镜 ,可以知兴替 ;以人为镜 ,可以明得失。《夏积智文集》就是一面时代的镜子 ,通过这面镜子 ,我们可以看到中国劳动和社会保障
075 衰老期甲状旁腺激素刺激的1,25-(OH)_2D_3。生成降低不涉及蛋白激酶A或C通路[英]/Friedlan-derJ…∥JBoneMinerRes.-1994,9(3).-339~345随着增龄,肾1,25-(OH)2D3生物合成减少,肠... 075 1,25- (OH) _2D_3 stimulated by parathyroid hormone in aged. Gener