德黑兰法拉赫巴德体育中心 伊朗

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这座体育场位于德黑兰市的南部,是法拉赫巴德体育中心的一个组成部分。体育中心还包括一座八角形的体育馆和其他一些室内体育设施,以及篮球场、排球场、网球场和田径运动场地等。体育场的停车场有3000个单位,但由于德黑兰的汽车很多,因此仍然感到不敷应用。体育场于六十年代中期开始设计,1974年建成。看台三面包围着体育场,有三万个座位。看台是钢筋混凝土结构,一片片放射状的清水混凝土墙支承着上部结构。墙上开了许多尖拱,看起来很像哥特式建筑,而不是伊斯兰风格。看台下部设楼梯,观众、贵宾和运动员有分别的出入口。遇到紧急事故,全部人员可在在四分中内疏散完毕。看台的正面,有个悬索结构的帐篷式顶盖,能遮萌三分之一的座位。这种顶盖结构很像慕尼黑体育场的顶盖结构形式,而且它的设计比慕尼黑早,虽然建成得较晚。帐篷式顶盖是由法国工程师设计,它由两根桅柱支承着悬索。桅柱直径3米,使用德国产的钢材。顶盖上 The stadium is located in the south of Tehran and is an integral part of the Farahbad sports center. The sports center also includes an octagonal gymnasium and other indoor sports facilities, as well as basketball courts, volleyball courts, tennis courts, and track and field venues. There are 3000 units in the parking lot of the stadium, but due to the large number of cars in Tehran, they still feel inadequate. The stadium was designed in the mid-1960s and completed in 1974. The stands surrounded the stadium on three sides and had 30,000 seats. The stands are reinforced concrete structures. A piece of radial concrete wall supports the superstructure. There are many pointed arches on the wall, which look very much like gothic architecture instead of Islamic style. There is a staircase in the lower part of the grandstand. The audience, VIP guests and athletes have separate entrances and exits. In the event of an emergency, all personnel can be evacuated within four minutes. On the front of the grandstand, there is a tented canopy with a suspended cable structure that can cover one-third of the seats. The roof structure resembles the roof structure of the Munich stadium, and its design was earlier than Munich, although it was built later. The tent roof is designed by a French engineer and it is supported by two masts. The mast is 3 meters in diameter and uses German steel. Top cover
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