Pathologic features of occult lymphatic metastasis in supraglottic carcinoma

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanwan1985
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study the pathologic features of occult lymphatic metastasis in supraglottic carcinoma Methods Serial sections of 153 neck dissection specimens in 100 patients with supraglottic carcinoma were evaluated under the microspcope Results In 100 patients, 38 had occult metastatic lymph nodes 51 metastatic lymph nodes were found in pathology, and their sizes ranged from 0 5?cm to 2 6?cm (average 1 1?cm) The distribution of 51 lymph nodes was 1 in level Ⅰ (2%), 37 in level Ⅱ (73%), 12 in level Ⅲ (24%), and 1 in level Ⅳ (2%) Among the 51 nodes, 21 (41%) were early stage, 18 (35%) were growth stage, 7 (14%) were tull stage, and 5 (10%) were extracapsular stage The differentiation degree and appearance of supraglottic carcinoma was not directly related with occult metastasis Conclusion The occult metastatic rate of supraglottic carcinoma is high, and selective neck dissection may be necessary study the pathologic features of occult lymphatic metastasis in supraglottic carcinoma Methods Serial sections of 153 neck dissection specimens in 100 patients with supraglottic carcinoma were evaluated under the microspcope Results In 100 patients, 38 had occult metastatic lymph nodes 51 metastatic lymph nodes were found in pathology, The distribution of 51 lymph nodes was 1 in level I (2%), 37 in level II (73%), 12 in level III (24%), and 1 in level IV (2%) among the 51 nodes, 21 (41%) were early stage, 18 %) were extracapsular stage The differentiation degree and appearance of supraglottic carcinoma was not directly related with occult metastasis Conclusion The occult metastatic rate of supraglottic carcinoma is high, and selective neck dissection may be necessary
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