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一、南部非洲国家的发展危机及其原因大部分南部非洲国家在独立后选择了“国家——社会主义方向”。但多数国家的经济实绩并不突出,许多国家面临经济衰退甚至崩溃的危机。大量事实说明,发展危机实质上是国家统制、僵化的发展战略的危机。在有些国家,甚至政权出现危机和丧失政治上的合法性。以国家为中心的发展战略遭到失败,是山一些互相关联的因素造成的,简言之,就是: I. Development Crisis and Its Causes in Southern African Countries Most southern African countries have chosen “the state-socialist orientation” after their independence. However, the economic performance of most countries is not outstanding, and many countries are facing a crisis of economic recession or even collapse. A large number of facts show that the development crisis is essentially a crisis of state control and rigid development strategy. In some countries, even political regimes have been in crisis and losing political legitimacy. The failure of a country-centered development strategy was caused by a number of interlinked factors, in brief:
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傅吉祥,人称傅老大,因父母早逝,他“长子为父”带大了三个弟弟一个妹妹,把他们都送进北京的大学。当弟妹们长大成人、事业有成后,他也错过了人生的辉煌时期:因没有 Fu Jixia
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