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松江县香菇生产发展步伐不快,1983年香菇种植面积仅4万平方市尺。为什么香菇生产没能在我县大面积推广种植呢?究其原因主要是产量低,经济效益差。据统计,松江县1984年种植香菇面积23040平方尺,春秋菇产量平均每平方尺1.162斤,产值1.55元/尺~。产量低,效益不高,管理技术水平低固然是一个重要方面,但是杂菌的污染,尤其是制块后的污染是一个不可忽视的因素。现就我县香菇污染的主要原因和防治措施,简述如下: 污染的主要原因一、环境、培养室的污染一些菌种厂环境卫生工作差,垃圾、杂草、霉变的稻草乱堆乱放,甚至对上年污染的菌种也未加妥善处理,清理时不采取消毒和隔离措施,杂菌孢子到处飞扬。另外,有些菌种厂培养室条件差,通风换气不良,消毒、隔离没做好,都极易引起污染。 Mushroom production in Songjiang County, the pace of development is not happy, 1983 mushroom cultivation area of ​​only 40,000 square feet. Why did not mushroom production in my county a large area to promote it? The main reason is the low yield, poor economic efficiency. According to statistics, Songjiang County in 1984 planted mushroom area 23,040 square feet, spring and autumn mushrooms yield an average of 1.162 pounds per square foot, the output value of 1.55 yuan / feet ~. Yield is low, efficiency is not high, the low level of management techniques is an important aspect, but the pollution of bacteria, especially after the block pollution is a factor that can not be ignored. Now on the main causes of myxuanmiji pollution and prevention and treatment measures are summarized as follows: The main reasons for pollution First, the environment, the pollution of the training room Some of the plant species poor sanitation, rubbish, weeds, moldy straw chaos mess Put, and even the last year, the pollution of bacteria also did not properly handle, disinfection and isolation do not take measures to clean up, spores of bacteria flying everywhere. In addition, some species plant breeding room poor conditions, poor ventilation, disinfection, isolation did not do well, are extremely easy to cause pollution.
从欧洲玉米螟Ostrinia nubilalis幼虫虫粪中提取雌蛾产卵的忌避物,1983年Dittrick已有报导。我们发现亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia funacalis的幼虫虫粪中也存在雌蛾产卵的忌避物。 6
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