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随着新课改的进行,高中班主任在进行班级管理时,要充分体现学生的主体作用,引导他们积极主动的加入到班级管理中,激发他们的团队凝聚力,使他们为班级的荣誉做出贡献。在管理过程中,班主任要根据学生的实际情况进行管理方式的创新,激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们在学习过程中形成良好的班风班级,使班级管理在教师和学生的共同努力下取得较好的成效。一、增加学生的管理意识,激发管理班级的主动性在高中班级管理中,班主任要充分激发学生对班级管 With the implementation of the new curriculum reform, the senior high school teacher must fully reflect the main role of the students in class management, guide them to actively participate in the class management, stimulate their team cohesion, and make them contribute to the honor of the class. . In the management process, the head teacher should innovate management methods according to the actual situation of students, inspire students’ interest in learning, and enable them to form a good class style in the learning process, so that class management can be achieved with the joint efforts of teachers and students. Good results. First, increase students’ management awareness and stimulate the initiative of the management class. In the high school class management, the class teacher should fully inspire the students to manage the class.
提问是语文课堂教学的必要手段,是训练思维的有效途径。本文阐述了通过设计与提出问题来组织教学活动的语文阅读教学法的特点与有效运用。 Questioning is a necessary tool
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“真正的隐逸不是避开车马尘世,而是在心中修篱种菊。”林徽因如是说。只有我们筑起心中的篱墙,方能堵住外界的喧嚣,走上成功的巅峰,到达梦想的彼岸。  堵住权势的喧嚣,方能不忘初心。  嵇康,一朵深谷中幽兰,竹林旁,铁锤划过天际,击起点点火星,照亮世人。权势的喧嚣向他而来,他在心中筑起篱墙,堵住喧嚣。友人入仕,他挥笔洒就绝交书;生命将终,他奏琴成就《广陵散》。正是他的冰清玉洁留下后世无尽的喟叹,正是他的
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