上海“TAXI”大战犹酣 硝烟弥漫

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种种迹象表明:上海出租汽车的发展经较长一段时间的过热以后,正步入低谷。1993年,上海出租车增量为10000辆,1994年,上海出租车增量只有3000辆,1994年比1993年下降了70%。1994年以来,上海出租车从业人员见异思迁,另谋职业的现象已屡屡发生,特别是一些小企业的从业人员,流动性大;不少业主已深深感到,出租汽车贺驶员这一职业已不再有往日的魅力。一些中小型出租企业要想在市场上赚取高额利润已不是容易的事,伴随着上海出租业发展步入低谷,市场竞争加剧,升级;行家预测,在通常的竞争之后,预示着将会出现出租车的发展额度竞争、企业兼并竞争、企业收购竞争,乃至价格上的竞争。上海滩的500多家出租企业,1000多户个体出租业主,为了保住各自的市场份额,为了能在硝烟弥漫的出租业战场上赚取更大的资本,打败对手,各自使出了绝招,试图与无情的市场进行抗争,立于不败之地。 There are indications that: the development of Shanghai taxi after a long period of overheating, is entering the trough. In 1993, the number of taxis increased to 10,000 in Shanghai. In 1994, the number of taxis in Shanghai was only 3,000, an increase of 70% from 1994 in 1994. Since 1994, Shanghai taxi practitioners have been tempted to move from place to place and find other occupations. In particular, some practitioners in small enterprises have large liquidity. Many owners have deeply felt that the profession of taxi drivers has been No longer have the charm of the past. It is not easy for some small and medium-sized rental enterprises to earn high profits in the market. Along with the development of Shanghai's rental industry, market competition is aggravating and escalating. Experts predict that after the usual competition, Taxis occur in the development of quota competition, mergers and acquisitions business, business acquisitions and competition, and even price competition. On the beach more than 500 rental companies, more than 1,000 individual rental owners, in order to keep their respective market share, in order to be able to make more money in the smoky rental market battlefield to defeat their opponents resorted to trick Fight against the merciless market and remain invincible.
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