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运动神经假体是一类帮助神经系统受损患者恢复或替代其身体运动功能的电子装置,通过功能性电刺激(FES)技术代替大脑发出神经控制命令来激励相关肌肉活动、驱动受损肢体或直接控制人工假体完成预期动作,达到恢复或替代肢体运动功能目的.另外,脑-机接口(BCI)技术也是运动神经假体系统中的关键组成部分,它通过提取与解码大脑神经活动实现人脑与神经假体之间的交互.目前,随着FES技术以及BCI技术的高速发展,运动神经假体系统已经在脊髓损伤和中风患者的康复和功能辅助方面得到了广泛的临床应用,现阶段的研究热点在于如何开发更加有效的神经译码技术,提取出更丰富的大脑指令信息,使患者可以控制神经假体完成复杂的运动功能来满足日常活动的需要.未来,运动神经假体系统将向着便携化、网络化和更加逼近自然肢体功能的方向发展.本文主要介绍运动神经假体系统的组成和应用,综述运动神经假体康复技术的发展历程与现状,以期为神经损伤患者及从事神经假体技术研究的科研人员提供参考和帮助. Motor Nerve Prosthesis is a type of electronic device that helps patients with impaired nervous system to recover or replace their motor functions. The Nerve Prosthesis may be used to stimulate related muscle activity by means of functional electrical stimulation (FES) instead of the brain to drive damaged limbs or Direct control of artificial prosthesis to complete the desired action to achieve the purpose of restoring or replacing limb motor function.In addition, brain-machine interface (BCI) technology is also a key component of the motor nerve prosthesis system, it is through the extraction and decoding of neural activity of the brain Brain and nerve prosthesis interaction.At present, with the rapid development of FES technology and BCI technology, motor nerve prosthesis system has been in the spinal cord injury and stroke patients with rehabilitation and functional support has been widely used in clinical practice, at this stage Research focuses on how to develop more effective neural decoding technology to extract richer brain instruction information so that patients can control the nerve prosthesis to complete the complex motor function to meet the needs of daily activities.In the future, To the portable, networked and more close to the natural limb function in the direction of development. The composition and application of motor nerve prosthesis system, review the development history and current situation of motor nerve prosthesis rehabilitation technology, with a view to provide reference and help for the nerve injury patients and researchers engaged in the research of nerve prosthesis technology.
烟台华润汽车装饰有限公司承担完成的国家 86 3计划项目“聚氨酯新材料在轿车内饰顶棚方面的研制与应用”通过技术鉴定。该项成果在进行材料国产化研究的同时 ,成功地进行了