Detection of Coal Mine Spontaneous Combustion by Fuzzy Inference System

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiancyp
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The spontaneous combustion is a smoldering process and characterized by a slow burning speed and a long duration. Therefore, it is a hazard to coal mines. Early detection of coal mine spontaneous combustion is quite difficult because of the complexity of different coal mines. And the traditional threshold discriminance is not suitable for spontaneous combustion detection due to the uncertainty of coalmine combustion. Restrictions of the single detection method will also affect the detection precision in the early time of spontaneous combustion. Although multiple detection methods can be adopted as a complementarity to improve the accuracy of detection, the synthesized method will increase the complicacy of criterion, making it difficult to estimate the combustion. To solve this problem, a fuzzy inference system based on CRI (Compositional Rule of Inference) and fuzzy reasoning method FITA (First Infer Then Aggregate) are presented. And the neural network is also developed to realize the fuzzy inference system. Finally, the effectiveness of the inference system is demonstrated by means of an experiment. The spontaneous combustion is a smoldering process and characterized by a slow burning speed and a long duration. Therefore, it is a hazard to coal mines. And the traditional threshold discriminance is not suitable for spontaneous combustion detection due to the uncertainty of coalmine combustion. Restrictions of the single detection method will also affect the detection precision in the early time of spontaneous combustion. the accuracy of detection, the synthesized method will increase the complicacy of criterion, making it difficult to estimate the combustion. To solve this problem, a fuzzy inference system based on CRI (Compositional Rule of Inference) and fuzzy reasoning method FITA (First Infer Then Aggregate) are presented. And the neural network is also developed to realize th e fuzzy inference system. Finally, the effectiveness of the inference system is demonstrated by means of an experiment.
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摘要:当下,越来越多的教师意识到小游戏在小学英语课堂中的作用。在课堂教学中,开展一系列教育性游戏,不仅能提高学生对英语的学习兴趣,还能营造一个轻松的课堂环境,帮助学生能更好地参与到课堂中,从而提高课堂教学效率。  关键词:小游戏;英语课堂;教学设计;策略  现如今,越来越多的教师将小游戏融入小学各项学科的课堂教学中,并且收获了很好的教学效果,英语这门学科也不例外。但是,通过一系列细致的观察可以发现
摘要:随着我中国新课程改革的不断深入,目前高中物理教学开始发展学生的核心素养。这种核心素养不仅是对物理基础知识、物理学科实验能力的理解与掌握,而且包含学科素养、科学探究与交流、科学思维与创新等能力的综合培养。本文立足于核心素养的全球形势,着重讨论高中物理核心素养与中国学生核心素养的关系、高中物理核心素养的教学策略等内容,从而探索培养中学生物理核心素养的行之有效的方法。  关键词:课程改革;高中物理
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