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近日,青岛彩民成了最大的赢家:3月27日晚双色球两注500万元大奖喜降青岛,给青岛彩民带来的惊喜和震动还没平息,3月28日晚,又一注“30选7”500万元大奖被市南区一彩民揽得。两天中出三个500万元超级巨奖,在青岛彩市历史上绝无仅有,不仅刷新了青岛福利彩票中奖速度和大奖金额的纪录,也在山东省创造出了单期中出500万元一等奖注数最多的纪录。据青岛市福利彩票发行中心工作人员介绍,两天3位彩民共中得奖金1500万元,向税务部门缴纳个人所得税300万元,成为青岛中奖彩民短时间内缴纳个人所得税最多的一次。近年来,青岛市福利彩票 Recently, Qingdao Lottery became the biggest winner: the evening of March 27 two-note injection of 5 million yuan in two color drop hi Qingdao, Qingdao Lottery to bring surprises and shocks have not subsided, the evening of March 28, another note 30 election 7 "500 million prize was a sweep of Shinan Minami won. Two out of three super five million yuan grand prize in the history of Qingdao market unique, not only refresh the Qingdao Welfare lottery winning speed and prize money record, but also in Shandong Province to create a single out of 5 million yuan first class Record the highest number of awards. According to the Qingdao Welfare Lottery Distribution Center staff introduced two days Lottery Lottery received a total of 15 million yuan to the tax department to pay personal income tax 3 million yuan to become a successful lottery in Qingdao Lottery paid personal income tax within a short time. In recent years, Qingdao Welfare Lottery