
来源 :中国职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的分析天津市河东区新发尘肺病发病情况。方法采用常规资料分析的方法,对天津市河东区2006—2015年新发尘肺病病例资料进行统计分析。结果 2006—2015年天津市河东区共上报新发尘肺病病例1 422例,发病总体呈现波动性上升趋势。在新发病例中,尘肺病壹期1 415例,尘肺病贰期6例,尘肺病叁期1例。每年尘肺病的高发病种均为矽肺,10年累计新发矽肺病例数占尘肺病发病总数的79.4%。诊断年龄以45~54岁组最多(占38.1%)。接尘工龄以15~24年组最多(占48.9%)。行业分布主要为非金属矿物制品业(占63.2%)和通用设备制造业(占17.2%)。工种以成型工(占24.0%)和粉碎工(占21.9%)为主。结论应重点加强中老年接尘工人的职业健康检查工作,争取做到尘肺病的早发现、早诊断和早治疗,切实保护劳动者的健康。 Objective To analyze the incidence of new onset pneumoconiosis in Hedong District of Tianjin. Methods The routine data analysis method was used to analyze the data of newly diagnosed pneumoconiosis cases in Hedong District of Tianjin from 2006 to 2015. Results A total of 1 422 cases of new-onset pneumoconiosis were reported in Hedong District, Tianjin from 2006 to 2015. The overall incidence of the disease showed an upward trend of fluctuation. Among the new cases, there were 1 415 cases of pneumoconiosis, 6 cases of pneumoconiosis in the second stage, and 1 case of pneumoconiosis in the third stage. Every year, the highest incidence of pneumoconiosis is silicosis. The cumulative incidence of new silicosis in 10 years accounts for 79.4% of the total number of pneumoconiosis. The diagnostic age was the highest in the 45 to 54 age group (38.1%). The service life of dust was 15 to 24 years old (48.9%). Industries are mainly non-metallic mineral products industry (63.2%) and general equipment manufacturing industry (17.2%). The main types of workers are molders (24.0%) and shredders (21.9%). Conclusion We should focus on strengthening the occupational health checkup for dust-exposed workers in middle-aged and elderly people so as to achieve the early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment of pneumoconiosis and earnestly protect the health of workers.
目的 优化试样提取条件,建立测定食醋中黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)的新的前处理方法 .方法 将适量试样调酸后用甲醇+水直接定容,振荡、离心作为食醋试样的前处理方法 ,采用酶联免疫
中国机械 rn经历了多年粗放式高速增长后,突如其来的产业下行让机械行业措手不及,2013年已经过半,机械制造业的市场依然没有大的起色,行业复苏仍需要业界耐心的等待、不懈的
目的 建立一种高效液相色谱方法 测定鳗鱼中环丙沙星、恩诺沙星和恶喹酸3种喹诺酮类药物残留量.方法 试样用含1%乙酸的乙腈提取,用正己烷脱脂、浓缩,缓冲盐+乙腈(80+20,体积
目的 探讨白细胞介素18(Intedeukin 18,IL-18)在尖锐湿疣患者组织中的表达及其意义.方法 利用荧光定量聚合酶链反应法测定20例尖锐湿疣患者皮损和16例健康对照者皮肤中IL-18
Objective To investigate the effect of over-expression of E2 protein GFP-E2,GFP-TAD(N-extremity domain of HPV18 E2)and GFP-DBD(C-extremity domain of HPV18 E2)fu