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在北京潮土上对禽粪与化肥不同配合比例采用数量化的定位研究!结果表明施用禽粪后土壤有机质的分解系数(b)大于无禽粪区,土壤中加入新鲜禽粪可以促进土壤有机质的分解,从而缩短了土壤有机质分解的半衰期(t_(1/2))。土壤有机质的半衰期禽粪区小于无禽粪区,无论是禽粪或化肥都可以维持土壤养分平衡,促进土壤养分的富集,提高土壤肥力。化肥对冬小麦产量的影响大于禽粪,第一年氮肥效果大于磷肥,第二年磷肥又大于氮肥,由于气候等因素的影响两年之间表现出明显的不稳定性。钾肥对冬小麦也有一定的增产效应。在本项研究中采用二元二次肥料效应曲面方程对氮、磷、禽粪对冬小麦的反应进行定量的表达与研究。@陈伦寿$在北京潮土上对禽粪与化肥不同配合比例采用数量化的定位研究!结果表明施用禽粪后土壤有机质的分解系数(b)大于无禽粪区,土壤中加入新鲜禽粪可以促进土壤有机质的分解,从而缩短了土壤有机质分解的半衰期(t_(1/2))。土壤有机质的半衰期禽粪区小于无禽粪区,无论是禽粪或化肥都可以维持土壤养分平衡,促进土壤养分的富集,提高土壤肥力。化肥对冬小麦产量的影响大于禽粪,第一年氮肥效果大于磷肥,第二年磷肥又大于氮肥,由于气候等因素的影响两年之间表现出明显的不稳定性。钾肥对冬小麦也有一定的增产效应。在本项研究中采用二元二次肥料效应曲面方程对氮、磷、禽粪对冬小麦的反应进行定量的表达与研究。@王兴仁$在北京潮土上对禽粪与化肥不同配合比例采用数量化的定位研究!结果表明施用禽粪后土壤有机质的分解系数(b)大于无禽粪区,土壤中加入新鲜禽粪可以促进土壤有机质的分解,从而缩短了土壤有机质分解的半衰期(t_(1/2))。土壤有机质的半衰期禽粪区小于无禽粪区,无论是禽粪或化肥都可以维持土壤养分平衡,促进土壤养分的富集,提高土壤肥力。化肥对冬小麦产量的影响大于禽粪,第一年氮肥效果大于磷肥,第二年磷肥又大于氮肥,由于气候等因素的影响两年之间表现出明显的不稳定性。钾肥对冬小麦也有一定的增产效应。在本项研究中采用二元二次肥料效应曲面方程对氮、磷、禽粪对冬小麦的反应进行定量的表达与研究。 The results showed that the decomposition coefficient (b) of soil organic matter after application of poultry manure was greater than that of non-poultry manure area, and the addition of fresh poultry manure to soil could promote the accumulation of soil organic matter Decomposition, thus shortening the half-life of soil organic matter decomposition (t_ (1/2)). The half-life of soil organic matter in poultry manure area is less than that in non-poultry manure area. Whether poultry manure or chemical fertilizer can maintain soil nutrient balance, promote the enrichment of soil nutrients and increase soil fertility. The effect of chemical fertilizers on winter wheat yield was greater than that of poultry manure. The first year of nitrogenous fertilizer was greater than that of phosphate fertilizer and the second year of phosphorus fertilizer was greater than that of nitrogenous fertilizer. The obvious instability was observed between the two years due to climate and other factors. Potassium also has a certain yield-increasing effect on winter wheat. In this study, the binary quadratic fertilizer effect surface equation was used to quantitatively study the responses of winter wheat to nitrogen, phosphorus and poultry manure. @ Chen Lunshou $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 0 Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Add to Download Share to Download Share to Print Share to Email Share to More Posted by: Promote the decomposition of soil organic matter, shorten the half-life (t_ (1/2)) of soil organic matter decomposition. The half-life of soil organic matter in poultry manure area is less than that in non-poultry manure area. Whether poultry manure or chemical fertilizer can maintain soil nutrient balance, promote the enrichment of soil nutrients and increase soil fertility. The effect of chemical fertilizers on winter wheat yield was greater than that of poultry manure. The first year of nitrogenous fertilizer was greater than that of phosphate fertilizer and the second year of phosphorus fertilizer was greater than that of nitrogenous fertilizer. The obvious instability was observed between the two years due to climate and other factors. Potassium also has a certain yield-increasing effect on winter wheat. In this study, the binary quadratic fertilizer effect surface equation was used to quantitatively study the responses of winter wheat to nitrogen, phosphorus and poultry manure. @ Wang Xingren $ Quantification of poultry manure and chemical fertilizers in Beijing alluvial soil using quantitative analysis of the location! The results show that after the application of poultry manure decomposition coefficient of soil organic matter (b) than non-poultry litter area, the soil can be added to fresh poultry manure Promote the decomposition of soil organic matter, shorten the half-life (t_ (1/2)) of soil organic matter decomposition. The half-life of soil organic matter in poultry manure area is less than that in non-poultry manure area. Whether poultry manure or chemical fertilizer can maintain soil nutrient balance, promote the enrichment of soil nutrients and increase soil fertility. The effect of chemical fertilizers on winter wheat yield was greater than that of poultry manure. The first year of nitrogenous fertilizer was greater than that of phosphate fertilizer and the second year of phosphorus fertilizer was greater than that of nitrogenous fertilizer. The obvious instability was observed between the two years due to climate and other factors. Potassium also has a certain yield-increasing effect on winter wheat. In this study, the binary quadratic fertilizer effect surface equation was used to quantitatively study the responses of winter wheat to nitrogen, phosphorus and poultry manure.
本刊讯 7月 12日,大相国寺向开封县杏花营农场捐赠救灾款5万元。副市长黄东民、市政府副秘书长黄普忠、市宗教局长李建祥、开封县委书记马林清、县长阮金全等有关部门领导参加了捐
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