
来源 :国外医学参考资料.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sarahfung
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单侧眼球突出的原因,除眶内原发病变外尚有副鼻窦病变及全身病。近年来对眼眶病变的检查方法及技术虽有较大进展,眼球突出的确诊仍较困难。因此,分析过去的统计资料有助于诊断。作者统计分析了1970年1月~1976年底7年间49,924名眼科门诊初诊病人中的单侧眼球突出患者100例(占0.2%)。对象为眼球突出度左右眼相差2mm以上(Hertel氏眼球突出计测量)。以及相差虽不到2mm,但眼眶病变已确诊者不包括明显的外伤、眶蜂窝织炎、副鼻窦急性炎症以及假性眼球突出的病例。病因:如附表所示,分为肿瘤性病变与非肿瘤性病变两大类。确诊系指经手术或病检所证实的。原发性肿瘤只包括经病理确诊的,仅为临床诊断的则列入原因不明项内。性別及年龄:男51例,女49例。无明显差 Unilateral eyeball reason, in addition to the primary orbital sinus lesions and paranasal sinus disease and systemic disease. In recent years, orbital disease examination methods and techniques, although greater progress, the diagnosis of prominent eye is still more difficult. Therefore, the analysis of past statistics helps to diagnose. The authors statistically analyzed 100 patients (0.2%) with unilateral eyeball protrusion in 49,924 newly diagnosed ophthalmic outpatients from January 1970 to the end of 1976. The object is about 2mm or more of the eyeball protrusion (Hertel’s eyeball protrusion meter measurement). And the difference is less than 2mm, but orbital lesions have been diagnosed do not include significant trauma, orbital cellulitis, paranasal sinusitis and acute inflammation of the cases of prominent. Etiology: As shown in the table, divided into two main categories of neoplastic lesions and non-neoplastic lesions. Diagnosis refers to confirmed by surgery or disease examination. Primary tumors include only pathologically confirmed, only for clinical diagnosis is included in the unexplained items. Gender and age: 51 males and 49 females. No significant difference
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嫂子临终时告诉妹妹一定要在大年初一这天来连队和战士们一起过年,为战士唱歌,不要让战士们白白等了一年,战士们戌边卫国实在是太辛苦了。 Sister-in-law told her sister
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