Ideas Can Hardly Be Self-fulfilling

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shangdianxitongguanl
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This paper challenges the constructivist approaches to international relations which focus on the impact of ideas and discourse. For constructivists like Alexander Wendt, ideas and discourse can shape and constitute interests and identities. However, the author contends that, despite its recognition of the influence of ideas on the practices of states, the constructivist view is problematic, which holds that ideas are self-fulfilling prophecies that generate actions and confirm themselves in turn. By ignoring the material basis for the generation and realization of ideas and values, the constructivists put themselves into a position to be challenged. This paper challenges the constructivist approaches to international relations which focus on the impact of ideas and discourse. For constructivists like Alexander Wendt, ideas and discourse can shape and structures interests and identities. However, the author contends that, despite its recognition of the influence of ideas on the practices of states, the constructivist view is problematic, which holds that ideas are self-fulfilling prophecies that generate actions and confirm themselves in turn. By ignoring the material basis for the generation and realization of ideas and values, the constructivists put themselves into a position to be challenged.
小脑梗塞产生的症状有时象前庭疾病,腔隙综合征,常常又被同时损害的脑干症状所掩盖,所以临床诊断相当困难。本文分析我院自1988年~1994年的7年中小脑梗塞病例。 临床资料 一
班组要想良好发展,着重体现在“建设”工作上。譬如,班组的基础建设、组织建设、制度建设、创新建设、技能建设、思想建设、民主建设、文化建设、团队建设,班组长队伍建设等。一个企业,要制定长远规划和营造良好氛围推动班组建设,要通过活动载体和工作框架不断激发、规范班组建设,要通过一定的人力、物力投入保证班组建设,才能使班组建设工作不断创新、不断进步。  近年来,烟台港联合港埠分公司的班组建设工作做的卓有成效