Co-existence generation of XG-PON and single carrier XLG-PON for ultra-high definition TV transmissi

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International telecommunication union (ITU) recently has standardized ultra-high definition television (UHD-TV) with a resolution which is 16 times more than that of current high definition TV. Increasing the efficiency of video source coding or the capacity of transmission channels will be needed to deliver such programs by passive optical network (PON). In this paper, a complete passive co-existence of 10 Gbit-PON (XG-PON) and single carrier 40 Gbit-PON (XLG-PON) for overlay of UHD-TV distribution to 32 optical network units (ONUs) on broadcast basis is presented. The results show error free transmission performance with negligible power penalty over a 20 km bidirectional fiber.
由于测绘相机在轨空间交会角在5″内变化才能保证数据的可靠传输, 本文研究了测绘相机交会角变化的计算方法。首先, 利用I-deas软件计算了测绘相机在极端高温和低温两种工况下的温度场。然后, 将计算得到的温度场作为温度载荷施加给结构模型, 实现了由温度网格到结构网格的温度映射, 即简单有限元模型到复杂有限元模型温度载荷的映射; 计算了测绘相机的热弹性变形, 得到了光学元件中心点变形量。最后, 利用自编的软件计算了在两种极端温况下正视和后视相机的在轨交会角变化。结果表明, 测试相机在高温和低温工况下空间交会角
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