,Theoretical calculations of structural, electronic, and elastic properties of CdSe1-x Tex:A first p

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyakl1314
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The plane wave pseudo-potential method was used to investigate the structural, electronic, and elastic properties of CdSe1?x Tex in the zinc blende phase. It is observed that the electronic properties are improved considerably by using LDA+U as compared to the LDA approach. The calculated lattice constants and bulk moduli are also comparable to the experimental results. The cohesive energies for pure CdSe and CdTe binary and their mixed alloys are calculated. The second-order elastic constants are also calculated by the Lagrangian theory of elasticity. The elastic properties show that the studied material has a ductile nature.
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