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《新编辽东语类》是清代末期不多见的“汉语东北方言”教科书之一,是由中日两国学者合作完成的,总体内容分为词汇和民俗资料两部分,为日本了解中国东北区域情况提供了材料,是考察当时东北地域民俗文化可依据的文献。但是,其记录的词汇并非全为东北方言,语音也过于附会北京官话、音系性质较为模糊,受语体限制口语性价值不大,并不具有独特性,是北京官话、东北方言的杂合体。当然,如同当时的众多中国语教科书一样,该书编纂的根本目的是为当时日本扩大在华势力、侵略中国政策服务的,这是需要我们在研究时多加注意的。 “New Liaodong” is one of the rare “Chinese northeast dialect” textbooks in the late Qing Dynasty. It was completed by the cooperation of scholars of China and Japan. Its content is divided into two parts: vocabulary and folklore. To understand the situation in northeast China provides materials, is to examine the northeastern region folk culture based on the literature. However, the recorded vocabularies are not all northeastern dialects, and the voices are too attached to Beijing Mandarin. The nature of the phonology is rather vague, and the linguistic restriction is not significant. It is not unique in nature. It is a hybrid of Beijing Mandarin and the northeastern dialect . Of course, like many Chinese textbooks at that time, the basic purpose of compiling this book was to serve Japan’s expansion of its forces in China and its aggressive policy toward China at the time. This requires us to pay more attention to the research.
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