On the goodness of life

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  【Abstract】What is life? Different people may have different opinions. For me, life is more than life and it is that brings the goodness of life. And the goodness of life lies in itself. This paper will study the goodness of life from four aspects. It nurtures from the moments. It benefits me from the moment when I have great expectations for the future, when I have huge thankfulness for my parents, when I have appreciation on the friends and teachers, and when I have great longings for the freedom.
  【Key words】life; goodness; relationship; freedom
  The goodness of life lies in my great expectations for the future. With a new surrounding, I have a clearer goal for my future and a more realistic goal-to a good college. That is why I come here and thus begin to form a good habit of study. Thus my life has become more routinized and my progress has been made more greatly and got praised from teachers and parents. I learn more about knowledge. In English I learn the best way to study is to use it as possibly as you can. Singing songs and watching TV series without subtitles also works well. In Chinese, I can write poems and become interested in the Chinese idioms and Chinese characters. By doing this I learn language and also learn its culture behind the language. In Physics and Math I learn the right way to solve the problems. And in the computer class, I can master the basic usage of computer. Every time the more I learn and study, the nearer my future is. This is what the goodness of life is.
  The goodness of life lies in my thankfulness for my parents. For most of us, family is our sky that shelters from the wind and rain and protects our health from hunger and harm. Despite our current surroundings in which we must accommodate in school, we have more time to experience the kinship from afar distance. In school, most of our students spare little time to communicate parents face to face. Thus we are more likely to miss our parents and when being together, we always cherish the moments. And besides we can share our moments through the Internet and text messages. By doing this we can care about each other and understand them more. We experience love from them when they send clothes and delicious meals and pocket money to us. On weekends they make meals and share the leisure time with us. This is what the goodness of life is.
  The goodness of life lies in appreciation on the friends and teachers. We live in harmony and get along with each other. For three years, I have and will have more friends and playmates and roommates. What they bring me? In Little Prince, the companionship with the fox and flower bring the little price the warmth and dependence and make them unique in every ways. That also works for me. They share happiness and sorrow with me. Even making fun of me by calling nickname make us laugh a lot instead of anger. Friendship means we are being together in and after class. We can run to the canteen and do the duty and wash hairs. We share secrets and likeliness. This heals a lot and when I am blue they can encourage me and listen to my stories. As to the forbidden love, some works well only when each of them has the same goal for the future. This cannot be called love but the likeness. What’s more, the goodness of life lies in the good teachers. As for the teachers, I have many great teachers.They communicate with students.Some are humorous which makes us active Some are serious and some are strict. English teacher has helped us improve English,   thus evoking our enthusiasm for the love of English and we adopt various ways of learning English. This is what the goodness of life is.
  The goodness of life lies in the longings for the freedom. Freedom is precious, and it is superior to love and life. Playing does not necessarily mean a waste of time. It means a will of freedom. Time can be used in the way you want and even sleeping and eating, skating and seeing movies and listening to the songs on spare time are the reflection of freedom-to do what you want to do. Attending school activities is a free activities which bring happiness. This is what the goodness of life is.
  The goodness of life is of very importance. It lies in the pursuit of the future and stay in touch with friends and family and it brings freedom, which will lead to the happiness.
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Language communication, in some way, is cultural communication, in order to have a better ability of communicating, students have to know and understand enough
在怎样的时代浪潮下,父母都有共同的失职之处,那就是忘记自己也曾是孩子,将自己的所历经的烦恼和遗憾一一转嫁给下一代。  时常在想,每一个生命一开始都是不幸运的,因为他不可以选择是否要来到这个世界,更无法选择自己的父母和家庭。而此后,一些人的际遇令人歆羡,更多人的生活是辛酸惨淡的,这些都由不得生命个体去选择。  我始终认为,父母养育孩子的过程不仅仅是将孩子生下来,养大的过程,其内容应当丰富得多。首先,
【摘要】现在我国与世界各国的交流一天比一天密切,社会发展也一天比一天迅速。很多社会企业对此都开始逐步提升英语人才的选用标准。这也无形中提高了对各大教育单位的英语教学水平和毕业生英语水平的要求。在这种形式下,在英语教育中提升对学生文化素养的培育势在必行。本文将阐述中职英语教育中对于文化素养培育的重要性,并提出一些具体方法,希望能对提高中职学生的文化素养提供一些参考价值。  【关键词】中职 英语教育
2011年版《英语课程标准》的修订,强调义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。我们的英语课堂应该是一个“情”(人文性)与“理” (工具性)交融的地方,既关注知识技能的传递,能力的培养,又重视情感的传递,品格的建立。老师用内心的“真”——真诚、真情,来关注学生,创设生活化的真实情境,让学生主动参与学习,在真心诚意的交流与互动中,让学生掌握技能,丰富情感,获取真知。  一、以情激情,传递真
【摘要】本文通过随机抽取四川某样本学校40名英语专业教师开展问卷调查,同时,对人文素养涉及较多的高级英语课程4位任课教师进行课堂观察,总结了英语专业教师人文素养现状,分析了教师人文素养存在的问题,并提出了提升人文素养相应的策略。  【关键词】英语专业教师 人文素养 策略  一、引言  2010年7月正式颁布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》明确指出要坚持学生的全面发展,