搞好文明施工 树立企业形象——广东省二建公司抓文明施工出成效

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在开展“双保双创”活动中,广东省二建公司坚持把文明施工的基点放在施工现场,以“建设文明的施工现场,树立企业现象”为指导思想,切实加强领导,齐抓共管;加强现场管理,落实岗位责任制;加强检查监督,常抓不懈。从而,使创建文明施工工地成为共同的行动,抓出成效。经省市建委和有关部门的检查,多次受到好评。现有3个工地荣获汕头市建委授予的“文明施工工地”金牌。他们的做法是: ——加强领导,齐抓共管。首先,抓组织落实。从公司到基层、施工现场都分别成立“双保双创”领导小组,由单位的主要负责人或项目经理亲自挂帅,由质安部门主抓,从上到下形成抓好文明施工的管理网络;其次,抓思想认识。明确创建文明工地是企业精神文明建 In carrying out the “double insurance and double creation” campaign, the Guangdong Construction Company insisted on placing the basic point of civilized construction on the construction site, with the guiding ideology of “building a civilized construction site and establishing a corporate phenomenon”, earnestly strengthening leadership, and pursuing joint management. Strengthen on-site management, implement post responsibility system; strengthen inspection and supervision, and constantly make unremitting efforts. As a result, the creation of a civilized construction site has become a common action and results have been achieved. After inspections by the provincial and municipal construction commissions and relevant departments, it has been highly praised. The three existing construction sites have won the “Civilized Construction Site” gold medal awarded by the Construction Committee of Shantou City. Their approach is: - To strengthen leadership and make concerted efforts. First, grasp the organization and implementation. From the company to the grass-roots level, the construction site has established a “double insurance and double creation” leading group, the main person in charge of the unit or project manager personally in command, by the quality security department master, from top to bottom form a good management network of civilized construction Second, grasp ideological understanding. Clearly creating a civilized construction site is a spiritual civilization
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