中国公证协会党组第41次(扩大)会议在京召开 传达学习党的十八届三中全会精神 研究贯彻落实意见

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2013年11月25日,中共(七届)中国公证协会党组第41次(扩大)会议在北京召开,司法部党组成员、副部长,中国公协党组书记赵大程同志主持会议。会议传达学习了党的十八届三中全会精神和第29次部党组(扩大)会议精神、吴爱英部长重要讲话精神,研究贯彻落实意见。赵大程指出,党的十八届三中全会是在我国改革开放重要关头召开的一次重要会议。这次会议的召开,是我们党坚定不移高举改革开放大旗的重要宣誓和重要体现,是全面深化改革的一次总部署、总动员,具有重大而深远的历史意义。习近平总书记的工作报告和重要讲话,高屋建瓴、思想深刻、内涵丰 On November 25, 2013, the 41st (Enlarged) Session of the Party Committee of China Notary Association of the CPC (Seventh) was held in Beijing. Comrade Zhao Dacheng, member of the party group and vice minister of the Ministry of Justice, and secretary of the Party branch of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, presided over the meeting. The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the 29th Ministry Party Group (Enlarged) Meeting, the speech of Minister Wu Aiying’s important speech, and the study and implementation of the opinions. Zhao Da-cheng pointed out: The 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is an important meeting held at an important juncture of our country’s reform and opening up. The convening of this meeting is an important oath and an important manifestation of our party’s unshakeable banner of holding high the banner of reform and opening up. It is a general deployment and a general mobilization for deepening the reform in all aspects and is of great and far-reaching historic significance. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s work report and important speech, high-rise building, profound thinking, content abundance
整个晚上,他发现儿子都有些不对劲,情绪低落,做事显得无精打采。晚饭时,妻子做了满桌子丰盛的饭菜,儿子也只是偶尔动一下筷子,显得心不在焉。  他想儿子可能遇见什么心事了。儿子今年上小学六年级,马上就要参加升学考试,很重要的时刻,可不能出什么岔子。  饭后,坐在沙发上看电视的时候,他顺势把儿子拥入怀中,关切地问道:“怎么了,不高兴啊?”  “没有。”儿子嘟着嘴。  “是吗?”他笑,“有事都不跟老爸说?
1.Even if you’re on the right track,you’ll getrun over if you just sit there.即使你没有选错轨道,老坐在那儿也会被压死的。2.To make your dreams come true,you ha
一、所用句型问题 1.表示“已经”,通常用于肯定句,不用于否定句或疑问句(此时要用yet)。如: He has already read the book.他已经读过这本书。 Has he read the book yet?他
1.发明人可利用从外商那里获得的许可入门费,向国外申请该专利。 2.向中国国际贸易促进委员会提出申清,贸促会经审查后,收取人民币提供相应的外汇。同时,贸促会负责许可证贸
一年之美在于春,一日之美在于晨;一晨之美在七点;山麓露珠亮晶晶。云雀振翅飞高空;蜗牛爬行在刺丛;上帝坐镇天堂中——人世万物享大同!The year’s at the spring,And day’s