
来源 :金秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:missao
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意大利有位失业妇女名叫玛莉亚,她在市内一家报纸上刊登了一则别出心裁的广告:“您若需要眼泪和笑声,本人大量供应,哭与笑均表情逼真,形象感人,价格公道,令君满意。”从此,她生意兴隆,每周至少能接到15宗业务,多时达30宗,每次收费30美元。当她参加客户的送葬队伍时,身穿黑衣丧服,跟在棺材后面,由两人搀扶,哭得泪水滂沱,死去活来。不到两个小时,她又换上漂亮华丽的礼服,出现在一家办喜事的客厅里,笑容满面,彬彬有礼,笑声朗朗地招呼前来祝贺的来宾们。结果怎么样? An unemployed woman named Maria in Italy, she published a fancy advertisement in a newspaper in the city: “If you need tears and laughter, I supply a lot, crying and laughing are lifelike, the image is touching, At reasonable prices, I am satisfied. ”" Since then, she has been booming and has received at least 15 business operations per week, up to 30 for as long as 30 U.S. dollars. When she participated in the client’s funeral procession, wearing a black mourning clothes, with the coffin behind, arm by two, crying tears, died alive. Less than two hours later, she put on a beautiful and gorgeous dress, appeared in a happy living room, smiling, courteous, laughter greeting greetings come to the guests. what’s the result?
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EC大发展的今天,有一大堆问题要解决,其中技术方面包括频带宽度、新时代的光纤网和Internet2等。打开了这些瓶颈,EC才能大放异彩。 Today, there are a lot of problems to
一、适合我省生长的苹果品种全世界的苹果品种有六千多种。我国栽培的有十几种,适合于我省栽培的有七、八种。按成熟先后顺序介绍如下: 1、甜黄魁六月下旬成熟,果小,果皮黄
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