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综述了近期在日冕动力学方面的部分研究进展,主要涉及到日冕中最大尺度的亮度结构——冕流、日冕中最大尺度的爆发现象——日冕物质抛射(CME),以及二者之间相互作用的有关物理过程.具体而言,主要包括:(1)磁流管弯曲度对冕流附近低速太阳风加速的影响;(2)冕团连发事件的物理机制和观测统计分析以及由此开展的近日低速太阳风速度的观测诊断;(3)使用日冕磁绳模型开展的CME过程中能量释放机制和磁绳受力分析方面的研究,特别是两种磁能释放过程:磁绳系统的理想MHD宏观不稳定性和耗散MHD磁场重联过程的作用;(4)CME尾随电流片上磁岛运动参数的统计分析与空间中磁岛并合和电子加速的首次观测;(5)CME与冕流相互作用的白光和射电表现等.这些研究加深了我们对冕流结构的物理性质、低速太阳风的加速过程、CME的能量释放机制、日冕磁场重联与重联电子加速机制、大尺度日冕波动现象以及CME-激波的电子加速和II型射电暴辐射源区物理性质的认识. Some recent advances in coronal kinetics are reviewed. These are mainly the brightness structures of the largest scale in the corona - the coronal flow, the largest scale eruption in the corona - the coronal mass ejection (CME) and their interaction with each other (1) The influence of the curvature of the magnetic flow tube on the acceleration of the low-speed solar wind near the coronaviation; (2) The physical mechanism and observational statistical analysis of the incident of the radionuclide group, (3) studies on energy release mechanism and force analysis in CME using coronal magnetic rope model, especially two kinds of magnetic energy release process: the ideal MHD macro of magnetic rope system Instability and dissipation of MHD magnetic field; (4) the statistical analysis of the on-chip magnetic island motion parameters of CME trailing current and the first observation of magnetic island integration and electron acceleration in space; (5) The white light and radio performance, etc. These researches have deepened our understanding of the physical properties of the coronal flow structure, the accelerating process of low-speed solar wind, the energy release mechanism of CME, the reconnection of coronal magnetic field and the reconnection electron Speed ​​mechanism, large-scale fluctuations in the corona phenomenon and the recognition CME- electron acceleration shock physical properties and type II radio burst radiation area.
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