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最近重庆出版社出版了江地教授的《清史与近代史论稿》。五十年代初,江地对捻军史领域的拓荒研究,引起中外史学界的重视.连年耕播,已出版有关专著四部.《论稿》则结集了作者明清史、太平天国史、捻军史、农民战争史和有关中国近代史的论文。在选题上开辟新的研究领域,其中或注重与重大历史事件相关联的问题,或发掘向为研究者忽视的问题,是《论稿》的一个特色。《论太平天国时期的北方农民起义》首次把其中规模较大、影响全 Recently, Chongqing Publishing House published Professor Jiang Di’s “Qing History and modern history draft.” In the early 1950s, Jiang’s pioneering work in the field of turning history of the Navy’s military has aroused the attention of Chinese and foreign historians. In successive years, four monographs have been published. “The Manuscript” is a collection of the author’s history of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History, History, peasant war history and essays on modern Chinese history. Opening up new fields of study on selected topics, or focusing on issues associated with major historical events or exploring issues that are neglected by researchers, is a feature of Thesis Draft. “On the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during the Northern Peasant Uprising,” for the first time among them a larger scale, affecting the whole
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老黄接触奇石不过短短两年的时间,便分别在老家、石头产地及广西柳州连开四家店铺,熟客频频回头,生客常有登门,生意做得红红火火。他的秘诀是:稳扎稳打,产销一条链。 Lao Hu
摘 要:基于现代建筑空间的本源问题,对处于时代转折时期的中西方最高宫殿艺术的代表凡尔赛宫园林与故宫庭院进行对比,主要通过要素层面和意境层面的“行”与“止”状况分析,