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近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,建设工程的数量在逐年增加的同时,工程本身对于施工过程管理的要求也逐渐提高,由此一来,建设单位现场代表的管理作用也显得更加重要。现场代表的一个重要任务就是协调好建设单位、施工单位以及监理单位三者之间的关系,只有这样,才能保证三方签订合同正常履行。本文主要阐述建设单位、施工单位以及监理单位在施工建设过程中各自的作用以及相互之间的关系,并对建设单位现场代表的不同管理模式进行分析,探讨如何根据工程情况选择合适的建设单位工程现场管理模式。 In recent years, with the rapid economic development in our country, the number of construction projects has been increasing year by year. Meanwhile, the project itself has gradually raised the requirements for the construction process management. As a result, the management role of site representatives on construction units has become even more important. One of the important tasks of on-site representatives is to coordinate the relations among the construction unit, construction unit and supervision unit. Only in this way can the three parties sign the normal performance of the contract. This paper mainly expounds the respective roles and relationships between construction units, construction units and supervision units in the process of construction and construction, and analyzes the different management modes of construction site representatives and discusses how to choose the appropriate construction unit project according to the project conditions Site management mode.
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