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时间变成缓缓流动的河流,内心化作荡涤在清澈河水里的芦苇,点起圈圈让人动心的涟漪。我知道,这是我所需要的东西。我在这里生活。这是最为惬意和舒坦的一段时光。时间像一台老旧的织布机,缓慢地织出柔软的锦缎。在柔和的阳光下,塞着耳机的每一段寝室至教室的路途都无比温婉恬静;在万籁俱静 The time becomes a slowly flowing river, inward-looking to wash the reed in the clear river, dotted circles delightful ripples. I know, this is what I need. I live here. This is the most pleasant and comfortable period of time. Time is like an old loom, slowly weaving soft damask. In the soft sunshine, stuffed with headphones every paragraph of the bedroom to the classroom are very gentle and quiet journey; in all the rest
A high etch rate GaAs via-hole process was studied in an inductively coupled plasma system using Cl2/BCl3 gas system. The effects of process parameters on the G
目的 总结儿童颅脑外伤后腔隙性脑梗死的临床特点及治疗效果.方法回顾性分析2000年12月至2004年12月收治的颅脑外伤后腔隙性脑梗死患儿37例.结果 37例均住院保守治疗,其中30例(81.1%)痊愈出院,7例(18.9%)出院时遗有轻残.29例患儿随访6~12个月,临床症状均完全消失,7例轻残者已痊愈.结论外伤后腔隙性脑梗死是以单侧躯体运动障碍为主要表现的神经系统损害,本病多见于轻度颅脑外伤的
Background: Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is an inherited blistering skin disorder that is associated with significant esophageal strictures
Background: In children with severe rheumatic disease (RD), treatment with cor ticosteroids (CS) is frequently needed and growth retardation and osteopenia may
AIM: To examine the effect of troglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) ligand, on the proliferation and apoptosis of human liver c
高技能人才的培养,应注重能力的提高和技能的训练,结合实际,了解市场及企业发展动向,改革教学方法,为社会培养技能型人才。 The cultivation of highly skilled personnel s
Esophageal tuberculosis(ET) is a rare clinical entity;the clinical features of this infection may be similar to the esophageal carcinoma. The differential diagn
摘 要:中等职业学校德育课是学校实施素质教育的重要内容,教学应遵循“贴近实际,贴近生活,贴近学生”的原则,坚持集中教学与个别教育相结合、课堂教学与课外活动相结合、校内教学与校外实践相结合,树立大德育理念,教学教育并重,立德树人,增强中职德育课教学实效性。  关键词:中职;德育课;实效性  学校工作,德育为首。学生思想品德、道德观念的形成是在活动中沿着知、情、意、形的顺序发展形成的。德育课课堂教学主