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中央十分重视节能降耗工作,节能降耗既可合理利用宝贵资源,减轻环境污染,造福子孙万代,又可为企业增加经济效益,对当前搞好国营大中型企业,是一个十分重要的方面,也是我国经济改革的重要措施。节能降耗必需依靠技术进步,企业技术改造要以节能降耗为重点,节能降耗也必需在技术改造总的规划相指导下进行。荣获全国节能先进单位称号的上海市九家企业,向上海市所有企事业单位发出了进一步搞好节能降耗工作的倡议,国务院生产办公室节约和综合利用局认为这个倡议很好,符合中央的方针政策,适应当前形势,应该号召全国企事业单位都来响应他们的倡议,把全国的节能降耗工作,推向一个新台阶,为此,本刊全文发表这份倡议书。 The Central Government attaches great importance to energy conservation and consumption reduction. Energy conservation and consumption reduction can both rationally utilize valuable resources, reduce environmental pollution, benefit the generations of generations, and increase economic efficiency for enterprises. This is a very important aspect for the current state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. It is also an important measure for China’s economic reform. Energy conservation and consumption reduction must rely on technological progress. The technological transformation of enterprises must focus on energy conservation and consumption reduction. Energy saving and consumption reduction must also be conducted under the guidance of the general plan for technological transformation. Nine Shanghai-based enterprises that have won the title of National Advanced Unit for Energy Conservation issued an initiative to all enterprises and institutions in Shanghai to further improve energy conservation and consumption reduction. The Bureau of Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Production Office of the State Council believes this initiative is very good and is in line with the Central Government’s policy. Policies, to adapt to the current situation, should call on all enterprises and institutions in the country to respond to their initiatives and push the country’s energy conservation and consumption reduction to a new level. To this end, this publication publishes this proposal in full.
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启发式教学,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,也有利于改变学生的学习态度,在新课改中占据着重要位置.启发式教学在高中生物教学中的应用,能使学生学习到相关的科学文化知识,还能培养学生的探究能力、独立学习能力.  一、启发式教学概述  启发式教学是指,教师在教学过程中主动承认学生的主体地位,注意调动学生的学习主动性,引导学生独立思考,积极探索,生动活泼地学习,自觉掌握科学知识,提高分析问题、解决问题的能力.“
以新课程标准的要求来衡量教师自身教学,从而更好提升整体教学的有效性,在达到三维目标的同时,对学生政治素养的提高、公民意识的搭建与人格的健全起到积极的作用。 The tea