For Healthier Kids, Put Away The Car And Walk To School

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  Only a quarter of Canadian kids walk or bike to school and that’s not enough, according to a new “report card on physical activity for children and youth.”
  Active Healthy Kids Canada (AHKC) is a Canadian charity that encourages children and their parents to get more exercise.
  Their report found that only 24 percent of 5 to 17-year-olds in Canada use “active transportation” to get to school. “Active transportation” means not using cars, trains or buses. On the other hand, their parents were twice as likely to walk to school when they were children.
  Every year in its report card, AHKC focuses on one side of healthy living.
  This year’s theme, “driving”, looked at how much exercise kids are getting when they travel to and from different places near their homes. There are many things the report listed as possible reasons why children would not use active transportation. The biggest one is the distance between schools and homes. Many children live too far away from their school to be able to get there by walking or biking. Another reason is that sometimes driving is easier. Parents may drop their child off at school, on their way to work. A third reason is safety. Many parents prefer not to let their child walk to school, especially if they are young.
  AHKC has some suggestions about how children can work with their parents to make active transportation a bigger part of their life.
  One is for parents to drive close (but not all the way) to the school, and have children get out and walk the remaining distance. Another is for parents to take turns looking after and walking with children so that they can travel safely. The easiest and best thing to do is for parents to tell their children to try to walk, bike or wheel to different places whenever possible, not just when they are going to school. And children can tell their parents to walk more, too!
  charity n. 慈善机构
  distance n. 距离
  (How do you go to school? By bus, by car or on foot?)
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