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根据全国城镇职工医疗保险制度改革工作会议精神,河南省紧锣密鼓做好贯彻落实工作,并出台了实施方案。《河南省城镇职工医疗保险制度改革实施意见》提出,基本医疗保险费,用人单位缴费率为职工工资总额的6%左右。各地按实际测算数确定缴费率。实际测算小于6%的,按实际水平确定;高于6%的一般按照6%控制;确需超过6%的,要从严控制,报省劳动厅审批。职工缴费率一般为本人工资收入的2%,划入个人帐户的比例一般为用人单位缴费的30%左右,最高不得超过40%。为确保用人单位和职工按时足额缴纳基本医疗保险费,对逾期不缴的,每延期1日,加收未缴部分2%的滞纳金;对用人单位缴费确有困难的,经申请报当地劳动行政主管部门审查批准后可以 According to the spirit of the reform meeting of the medical insurance system for urban workers and staff in the country, Henan Province has carried out a full implementation of the implementation plan and issued an implementation plan. The Opinions on the Implementation of the Reform of the Medical Insurance System for Urban Employees in Henan Province proposed that the basic medical insurance premiums and the employer’s contribution rate should be about 6% of the total wages of employees. All localities determine the contribution rate according to the actual number of measurements. Actual measurement is less than 6%, according to the actual level; more than 6% is generally controlled in accordance with 6%; indeed more than 6%, it must be strictly controlled and reported to the provincial Labor Department for approval. The contribution rate of employees is generally 2% of their wage income, and the proportion allocated to individual accounts is generally about 30% of the employer’s contribution, and the maximum cannot exceed 40%. In order to ensure that employers and employees pay basic medical insurance premiums on time and in full, for overdue payment, a late fee of 2% of the unpaid part is levied on each day of extension. If it is really difficult for the employer to pay, it should be reported to local labor. The administrative department may examine and approve
故障现象:开机约100秒后,碳酸泵不能正常吸液。  分析检修:根据故障现象,考虑故障可能是由于碳酸泵机械故障引起。因为碳酸泵吸入的是碳酸氢盐,碳酸氢盐的结晶容易使膜压式结构的碳
1998年,清远市人民医院开始探索与国民经济和社会发展相协调的医院管理新方法。经过九年来的研究和实践,逐步形成了适应社会主义市场经济机制的优质高效低耗管理模式。 一、
河北省在卫生下乡工作中求真务实。据统计,去年有763支小分队、4万多名医务人员参加了卫生下乡活动,共诊治和健康检查 54万人次以上。 河北省为使“三下乡”成为常下乡,明确
那天,新大洲创作室给我打电话,说他们室里有个青年作家挺欣赏我,希望彼此在某些恰当时日进行通联。我二话没说应允了。 电话另端早已搁置,我手执话筒还激动得半死。 据说当时我像
1 强化医院管理 医院的发展不仅在于医疗服务的质量,还在于管理。这里所说的管理,应该是全方位的。一是决策管理,医院决策层无论是在发展规划、技术项目的确定,医疗器械的配
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