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吴江市三联化工有限责任公司是一家规模中等、效益好、潜力大的企业。主要产品香料中间体正已酸年产达2000吨,在国内的市场覆盖率达60%,产品还获得96中国专利及新产品博览会金奖。97年改制后,当年实现产值6036万元,创利税203万元。 成功的企业有其成功的缘由,三联化工有限责任公司的做法是: 一是抓住机遇,实现转制。市场经济呼唤与之相适应的企业组织结构,按照现代化企业制度的要求,三联厂主要把握好三个关:(1)审计评估关,在产权界定、清产核资后,由市有关职能部门进行审计评估,核实企业净资产为216万元,作为有限责任公司的注册资本;(2)股份分配关,股份制的核心就是:利益共享,风险共担。企业一方面动员鼓励职工们以实际行动来支持转制,另一方面讲清楚企业发展有风险,入股不等于集资;(3)规范操作关,按照《公司法》制定有限责任公司的文本和健全有关制度,包括成立了股东会、董事会、监事会、经营管理机构等,同时办理工商执照的变更。党的十五大召开,给了他们良好的机遇和动力,三联化工有限责任公司于1997年9月18日正式通过章程,成为吴江市松陵镇首家规范的有限责任公司。 Wujiang Sanlian Chemical Co., Ltd. is a medium-sized enterprise with good efficiency and high potential. The main products of the spice intermediates have an annual output of 2,000 tons of acid, covering 60% of the domestic market, and the products have also won the gold medal of the 96 China Patent and New Products Fair. After the system reform in 1997, the output value reached 60.36 million yuan that year, creating a profit of 2.03 million yuan. Successful companies have their own reasons for success. Sanlian Chemical Co., Ltd.’s approach is: First, seize the opportunity to achieve transformation. The market economy calls for an appropriate organizational structure. In accordance with the requirements of the modern enterprise system, the Sanlian Factory has three main functions: (1) The audit evaluation is carried out by the relevant functional departments of the city after the definition of property rights and the verification of the capital and assets. Audit assessment, verifying that the net assets of the company is 2.16 million yuan, which is registered capital of a limited liability company; (2) The core of the shareholding system is the sharing of profits and sharing of risks. On the one hand, enterprises mobilize and encourage employees to support the system transformation with actual actions. On the other hand, it is clear that the development of the company is risky, and the stock is not equal to the fund raising; (3) The operation of the company is regulated, and the text of the limited liability company is established in accordance with the “Company Law” and related to soundness. The system includes the establishment of shareholders’ meetings, board of directors, board of supervisors, and management and management organizations, as well as changes in business licenses. The 15th CPC National Congress was held to give them good opportunities and motivation. Sanlian Chemical Co., Ltd. officially passed the statute on September 18, 1997 and became the first standardized limited liability company in Songling Town, Wujiang City.
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