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广州、深圳原本就是中国对外商业活动开放最早,也最频繁的城市之一。同样的广告的竞争,在这里,自然也就更趋白热化。在过去的半年里,星美广告公司群创意总监李宗伟先生最常被问到的二个问题就是,星美广告没有了4A广告公司的光环,会不会在这样竞争的环境中失去了光芒?另一个对创意工作敏感话题就是当星美成为一个本土化的广告公司后,创意部的人才以及创意平台的发展,会不会同样的受到局限与打击……然而,星美广告始终相信,广告公司的光环在于人、以及确保广告公司在客户心中最大价值化的整体Know how与服务。星美广告广州分公司除了在原4A广告公司整合市场策略、行销、活动、广告、媒体的完整作业流程基础上,更最大限度 Guangzhou and Shenzhen were originally one of the earliest and most frequent cities open to foreign commercial activity in China. The same competition for advertising, here, naturally more intense. In the past six months, Star Creative Advertising Group, Mr. Li Zongwei, the group was asked two questions most frequently asked is, the United States and the United States advertising 4A advertising company aura, will not lose the light in such a competitive environment? Another sensitive topic of creative work is that when SMI becomes a localization advertising company, the development of creative talents and creative platforms will not be subject to the same limitations and strikes ... However, SMI Advertising has always believed that advertising The aura of the company lies in people and the overall Know how and services that ensure that advertisers maximize the value of their customers. In addition to the original United States 4A advertising agency integrated marketing strategy, marketing, activities, advertising, media, based on the complete operation of the process, to a maximum extent
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