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最重要的是,有关部门处理问题不能简单化,工作智慧不能只剩下“收钱”。据《南京晨报》5月22日报道,北京市交通委有关负责人近日表示,正在研究采取各种方式为北京治堵,对小汽车进城收取“拥挤费”正在论证中。 The most important thing is that the relevant departments can not simplify the handling of the issue and the wisdom of working can not be left behind. According to “Nanjing Morning Post” reported on May 22, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport officials said recently that various measures are being taken to stop the traffic jam in Beijing and charges for the car to enter the city are under discussion.
China is one of a few countries in the worldthat can produce fumed silica. It was reportedthat in 2009,the global fumed silicacapacity was 306 100 t/a. China’
China Gogreen Energy Company Ltd.,asubsidiary of China Gogreen Assets InvestmentLimited (HK:397),on October 15thstarted up its 100 megawatt production linefor
LDK Solar Co.,Ltd. (NYSE:LDK) announced on November 29th that the second 5 000 t/a polysilicon production line at its Mahong polysilicon plant has reached the
Dragonair recorded year-on-year increases in both passenger numbers and cargo volumes in January, up 1.6% and 56.4% respectively.“Year-on-year we flew more pas
首汽股份董事长兼总经理杨和平回顾几年来的拼搏之路:“改革不能等待,什么都研究个没完,那就妨碍了前进。我们有个说法——‘K长长治,长做长成’,行动是最重要的。” Yang He
Lufthansa carried more than 50 million passengers in 2004. This is the highest annual figure ever achieved by the airline, which celebrates its 50th anniversary
截至今年6月底,襄樊市襄城区隆中街道办事处已新修村组公路6条2850米,维修道路1400米。看到水泥路面修到自己的家门口,广大村民交口称赞人大代表为他们办了一件实事好事。 A