初三英语Units 4-6综合训练题(英文)

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I.词汇: A)根据句意及所给首字母,写出句中所缺单词,完成句子。1.Huhehot is the c__ of Inner Mongolia.2.Haikou is in the n__ of Hainan Island.3.The best way to make p__ smaller is to have fewer children.4.Everyone should take part in p__ envi- ronment.5.The farmers are trying to c__ the moun- tains with green trees.B)根据句意及所给汉语,写出句中所缺单 I. Vocabulary: A) According to the meaning of the sentence and the first letter given, write out the missing words in the sentence and complete the sentence. 1.Huhehot is the c__ of Inner Mongolia.2.Haikou is in the n__ of Hainan Island.3.The best way to make p__ smaller is to have fewer children.4.Everyone should take part in p__ envi- ronment.5. The farmers are trying to c__ the moun- tains with green trees.B) Write a sentence in the sentence
每空填一词,改写下列句子,使句意保持不变。1.The old man died last year. The old man has __ for a year.2.My mother bought the shirt three days ago. My mother has
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亲爱的爸爸妈妈:你们好! 我已经在学校里住下了,一切都好。就是食堂里的菜不如老妈烧的好, 晚上宿舍里还有点吵——个个都是夜猫。老爸你千万别用我的昵称到QQ上聊天, Dear
根据上句在下句的横线上填词,使两句意思相符,每空一词。1.—What time is it?--It’s six forty-five. ---____the time?—-It’s a___2.We must go to school now.___ tim