推动绿色崛起 争创国家转型发展示范区

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党的十八届三中全会是在我国改革开放新的重要关头召开的一次重要会议。习近平总书记重要讲话和全会《决定》,是我们党在新的历史起点上全面深化改革的科学指南和行动纲领。对于井陉矿区这样典型的资源枯竭型城市而言,必须充分认识十八届三中全会的重大现实意义和深远历史意义,自觉用全会精神武装头脑,统一思想、坚定信心,深化改革、攻坚克难,以钉钉子的精神,全力打好这场改革攻坚战,加速推动井陉矿区经济社会全面转型和绿色崛起步伐。井陉矿区地处石家庄市西部山区、 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is an important meeting held at a crucial juncture of our country’s reform and opening up. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the “decision” of the plenum are the scientific guide and program of action for our party in deepening the reform comprehensively on the new historical starting point. For a typical resource-exhausted city such as Jingxing Mining Area, we must fully understand the great realistic significance and far-reaching historical significance of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. We should argue ourselves with the spirit of the Plenary and argue our minds, unify our thinking, strengthen our confidence, deepen the reform, , By all efforts to lay the groundwork for this reform and accelerate the all-round economic and social transformation of Jingxing Mining Area and the pace of green rise by using the spirit of a nail. Jing 陉 mining area is located in the western mountains of Shijiazhuang City,
《春庭婴戏图》,绢本,86×45厘米,描绘把持玩具的四个婴孩在庭园尽情玩耍的场景,展现热闹的春天气氛。画面有多种花卉植物,其中水仙、竹子分别置于前景两侧,成片的月季花则置于背景,被左后耸立的白色太湖石遮掩;这些散置的元素,因为反向的“Z”形雕花栏杆而连接整合(图1)。在早期的作品中,类似的构图仅有五代赵喦的《八达春游图》,其栏杆正好是“Z”形(图2)。  婴孩作品,是古代绘画的重要板块,但早期文献
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City sculptures first appeared in Taiyuan in 1983, and by the end of 1987, quite number of commemorative and garden sculptures had been erected in the main stre