
来源 :上海航天 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:basilmhb
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《上海航天》是中国航天科技集团公司第八研究院 (上海航天技术研究院 )主办、上海市宇航学会协办的综合性科技期刊 (双月刊 ) ,国内外公开发行。主要刊登与应用卫星、防空导弹和运载火箭系统及其分系统的研制、试验、生产和使用等有关的技术文章 ,同时介绍相关的新技术、新工 “Shanghai Aerospace” is a comprehensive science and technology journal (bimonthly) co-organized by Shanghai Aerospace Science Institute under the Eighth Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (Shanghai Aerospace Technology Research Institute) and publicized both at home and abroad. Main published and applied satellite, antiaircraft missile and launch vehicle systems and subsystems of the development, testing, production and use of related technical articles, at the same time introduce the related new technology, new work
Vortex double layers (VDLs) and vortex projectiles (VPs) are the essential coherent structures which emerge in the shock excited (s/f/s) planar parallel “curt
序号航天器名称发射时间序号航天器名称发射时间1东方红 - 1卫星 1970 - 0 4- 2 42 3风云 - 1A卫星 1988- 0 9- 0 72实践 - 1卫星 1971- 0 3- 0 32 4东方红 - 2 A卫星 1988-
A physical and mathematical model is developed for describing nitrogen launching system(NLS)based on the dynamics of pneumatics and mechanisms.The multi object
概述了标准化立法与国家的经济、生产力发展水平的密切关系以及几个国家标准化法制管理的情况 ,并从目的性、标准化任务、体制设置、制定标准原则、标准实施与监督等 9个方面
The volume expansion of the stuff (e. g. tobacco stem) is of great importance to an increase in the product quality and a decrease in the production cost This p