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如同炊事员做饭喜欢用好米好面一样,记者写稿子孜孜以求的是重要报道题材。重要报道题材在哪儿呢?就在现实社会生活中。它以平等的态度静候所有的记者,只不过它的存在是隐蔽的,要想得到它,就得下一番挖掘的功夫——进行深入的调查研究。捷径,可能有,反正我没有见到过。回顾我这几年采写的一些比较重要的稿件,无一不是依赖于深入调查研究。在深入解剖中挖掘典型性题材典型报道,是新闻报道的一大传统品种,在整个新闻报道中占有重要地位。象《县委书记的好榜样——焦裕禄》等许多新闻名作都是典型报道。我曾先后 Like cooking cooks like to make good use of rice, noodles, journalists writing manuscripts is an important subject of coverage. Where are the important stories? In the real life of society. It waits on equal footing for all journalists, except that its existence is subtle, and in order to obtain it, it has to dig a little bit of time to dig deeper into its investigation. Shortcuts may be, anyway, I have not seen before. Looking back on some of the more important articles that I have written in recent years, I have to rely on in-depth investigations and studies. In the in-depth anatomy of the typical topics mining typical reports, is a major traditional news breed, occupies an important position in the news coverage. Like the “good example of county party secretary - Jiao Jiao” and many other famous news are typical reports. I have successively
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