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Born in Germany in 1970, Claudia Schiffer was to become one of the most successful supermodels in the early Nineties. With over 500 magazine covers to her credit, her success in the cut-throat world of fashion has been down to a combination of astute management and stunning blonde looks. The 17-year old Schiffer was first spotted in 1987, at a Dusseldorf disco, by Michel Levaton, boss of the Metropolitan Model Agency. Schiffer was then introduced to agent Aline Souliers, who quickly secured her an appearance in French Elle, sparking a flurry of interest around Europe. Her management carefully selected jobs to “stimulate demand” for Schiffer’ s wholesome looks and, half a dozen magazine covers later, she was chosen by Karl Lagerfeld to be the new Face of Chanel. Born in Germany in 1970, Claudia Schiffer was to one of the most successful supermodels in the early Nineties. With over 500 magazine covers to her credit, her success in the cut-throat world of fashion has been down to a combination of astute management And stunning blonde looks. The 17-year old Schiffer was first spotted in 1987, at a Dusseldorf disco, by Michel Levaton, boss of the Metropolitan Model Agency. Schiffer was then introduced to agent Aline Souliers, who quickly secured her an appearance in French Elle, sparking a flurry of interest around Europe. Her management carefully selected jobs to “stimulate demand” for Schiffer’s wholesome looks and, half a dozen magazine covers later, she was chosen by Karl Lagerfeld to be the new Face of Chanel .
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开场白:对企业重组后的档案工作,大家见仁见智,说法各异:有拍手称快者,也有紧皱眉头者;有得到重用者,更有下岗转岗者;有前景看好者,还有忧心忡忡者。虽说都是感同身受,但位置、经历,乃至年龄不同,得出的结论也就不同。何况企业重组是个或长或短的过程,即便对同一人,其过程之初与终结时的感受也不尽相同。望大家都谈谈自己的感受。    任海瑛:企业重组后,我有幸继续做档案工作,感受则是企业规模空前的大,档案员