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自动底盖设备就其技术类型而言主要分为两种:一种在采用法兰密封技术的基础上增加液压元件,使之完成自动开关盖动作,以及施加、解除密封力,此技术进油方式仍为底部中心进料,以美国哈恩.克莱(Hahn&Clay)、福斯特惠勒(Foster Wheeler)公司产品为代表。另一种是2000年以后推出的采用阀门密封技术的自动底盖设备,此技术采用大口径平板闸阀完成塔底口自动开闭,进油采用侧进料方式,以Delta Valve公司、Z&J公司产品为代表。惠州炼油延迟焦化装置采用周期性除焦生产方式,生焦周期一般为18~24h,期间有换塔、小吹汽、大吹汽、小给水、大给水、放水、除焦、除焦塔试压、预热、切四通生焦等工序。该装置焦炭塔底卸盖系统采用4套德国Z&J公司双闸板闸阀式自动底盖机。结合装置应用实际,介绍此类底盖机的结构原理、控制系统与工作模式。运行实践表明,Z&J自动底盖机具有密封效果好,蒸汽耗量低,开关时间短,运行平稳的优点。 Automatic bottom cover equipment in terms of its technical type is divided into two main types: one in the use of flange sealing technology based on the increase of hydraulic components, automatic switch cover to complete the action, as well as the application, to lift the sealing force, the technology into the oil The method is still the bottom of the center of the feed, the United States Hahn. Clay (Hahn & Clay), Foster Wheeler company’s products represented. The other is introduced after 2000 using the valve sealing technology automatic bottom cap equipment, this technology uses large-diameter flat gate valve to complete the bottom opening automatic opening and closing, into the side of the oil feed to Delta Valve, Z & J products to represent. Delayed coke coking plant in Huizhou refining period with a mode of production of coke, raw coke cycle is generally 18 ~ 24h, during the change tower, a small blow steam, a large blow steam, small water, water, water, decoking, , Preheat, cut Tong Sang coke and other processes. The device coke bottom unloading system uses 4 sets of German Z & J company double gate valve automatic bottom cover machine. Combined with the practical application of the device, introduce the principle of the structure of this type of bottom cover machine, control system and working mode. Operation practice shows that Z & J automatic bottom capper has the advantages of good sealing effect, low steam consumption, short switching time and stable operation.
果树根癌病是一种世界性的病害 ,我国各果品产区均有分布 ,特别是苗木受害较重 ,该病寄主范围很广 ,约有 30 0多种。主要为害苹果、梨、桃、葡萄、板栗、杏、李、红果、杨、
理光映像株式会社宣布PENTAX一08WIDE ZOOM超广角变焦镜头的发布。专为Q系列超小型可更换镜头数码相机而设计。