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  Host: The question was, what sort of attributes do you look for in an organization?
  Millennial A: I want flexibility. I did an internship, and it was with 1)SAP, it was last year, and my boss said,“You can work on the moon if you want. I don’t care. ”I love to be able to work mobile, but I’d like to go into the office, too. We have a shared desk arrangement, and we can move desks around. That was fun.
  Millennial B: It’s all about communication. If we get connected somehow, you can get things done if you’re connected to the right people.
  Millennial C: Between having worked on Wall Street, a start-up in the Philippines, having founded my own company and working now, I think my No. 1 priority is, does this work have an impact, is it meaningful, am I touching other peoples’ lives and are we doing good things? And is there a future for me at this workplace, can I grow, can I learn from my colleagues and develop?

  Millennial D: I was thinking, when we go to [sic] workplace, we want to be heard. That’s the thing that we’re looking for. I mean, we know that we’re not that experience, we don’t understand that very well, what the business is about, but we ask questions. If we’re showing that interest, I want people to look back at us and, like, try to help us as well, so we can work together and we can make that work. We can find a solution together.
  Host: So the question is, what is your preferred method for giving and receiving feedback about job performance?
  Millennial B: Face to face, like, having a meeting. Face to face is always better, but, if it’s not possible, having a conference call. It’s all about communication. If it’s…if you can say to…to a person directly, you can get things done.
  Millennial C: And building on that, I am also happy to take negative feedback. I want it direct, honest, so I can execute on it. I want us to be really clear about the outcomes that we’re going for. We don’t have to dance around the topic, and you’re not going to hurt my feelings.
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最近,网上流传着这样一则新闻:一位满头银发,拄着拐杖的老奶奶开始了她的环球旅行。她很喜欢旅游,一直想走出去看看这个世界,但无奈丈夫是个“宅男”。丈夫去世以后,她觉得是时候完成自己的心愿了。看完这篇报道,我既为老人的精神所震撼,又为这个故事所感动。人在生活面前常常需要妥协,但妥协不意味着放弃,我们总希望能在有限的生命里做自己最想做的事情,满足内心的渴望。  跟随自己的心,才不会为日后留下遗憾,但这并