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  Reporter: One ring, two women, three centuries of history.
  It first belonged to Jane Austen and was passed down through her family. Last year, the American pop singer, Kelly Clarkson, who liked it so much she wore a replica, paid £150,000 for the original at auction. But fearing a major work of art would be lost to Britain, an export ban was imposed. The Austen Museum in Hampshire then campaigned to match the funds to keep it, and now they’ve succeeded.
  Ann Channon (Jane Austen’s House Museum): Amazing! And…and very grateful to everyone who’s donated large or small, and grateful also to Kelly Clarkson, because without the publicity that belonged to that young lady, I don’t think we would’ve ever been able to have raised that money so quickly.
  Reporter: It’s here at Chawton in the final eight years of her life that Jane Austen wrote or revised all her major novels, including Pride and Prejudice and Emma, and it’s also where the ring will finally be returned in time for Valentine’s Day of next year.
  But saving art through export bans can be controversial. These two pieces were kept, but this pair, by George Stubbs, are still being challenged by foreign buyers.
  Stephen Deuchar(Director of Art Fund): If we stop worrying about whether works like that have drifted off abroad, it’d be the same a s s t o p p i n g worrying about our culture itself, so, yes, it does matter.
  Reporter: We don’t know what Jane Austen thought of her ring as she wrote here, but Kelly Clarkson is said to be happy it’s staying in Britain. A little bit of pride, sense and persuasion combining to keep it here.


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