Characterization and kinetic modeling of secondary phases in squeeze cast Al alloy A380 by DSC therm

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Michellesy
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Thermal analyses on squeeze cast aluminum alloy A380(SC A380) solidified under 90MPa were carried out to study the microstructure development of the alloy, in which a differential scanning calorimeter(DSC) was employed. During the DSC runs, heating and cooling rates of 1, 3, 10, and 20 °C·min~(-1) were applied to investigate the heating and cooling effects on dissolution of secondary eutectic phases and microstructure evolution. Various reactions corresponding to troughs and peaks of the DSC curves were identified as corresponding to phase transformations taking place during dissolution or precipitation suggested by the principles of thermodynamics and kinetics. The comparison of the identified characteristic temperatures in the measured heating and cooling curves are generally in good agreement with the computed equilibrium temperatures. The microstructure analyses by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS) indicate that the distribution and morphology of secondary phases present in the microstructure of the annealed sample are similar to the as-cast A380, i.e., strip β(Si), buck bone like or dot distributed θ(Al_2Cu), β(Al_5Fe Si) and Al_(15)(FeMn)_3Si_2. Two kinetic methods are employed to calculate the activation energies of the three common troughs and three common peaks in DSC curves of SC A380. The activation energies of the identified reaction θ_(CuAl_2) = α(Al)+β(Si) is 188.7 and 187.1 k J?mol~(-1) when the activation energies of reaction α(Al)+β(Si)→θCu Al_2 is~(-1)22.7 and~(-1)21.8 k J?mol~(-1), by the Kissinger and Starink methods, respectively. Thermal analyzes on squeeze cast aluminum alloy A380 (SC A380) solidified under 90 MPa were carried out to study the microstructure development of the alloy, in which a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) was employed. During the DSC runs, heating and cooling rates of 1 , 3, 10, and 20 ° C · min ~ (1) were applied to investigate the heating and cooling effects on dissolution of secondary eutectic phases and microstructure evolution. Each of the reactions corresponding to troughs and peaks of the DSC curves were identified by their corresponding to phase transformations taking place during dissolution or precipitation suggested by the principles of thermodynamics and kinetics. The comparison of the identified characteristic temperatures in the measured heating and cooling curves are generally in good agreement with the computed equilibrium temperatures. The microstructure analyzes by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) indicate that the distribution and morphology of secondary phases present in the microstructure of the annealed sample are similar to the as-cast A380, ie, strip β (Si), buck bone like or distributed θ (Al_2Cu), β (Al_5Fe Si) (FeMn) _3Si_2. Two kinetic methods are employed to calculate the activation energies of the three common troughs and three common peaks in DSC curves of SC A380. The activation energies of the identified reaction θ_ (CuAl_2) = α (Al) + β ( When the activation energies of reaction α (Al) + β (Si) → θ Cu Al 2 is ~ (-1) 22.7 and ~ (-1) 21.8 k J ~ mol ~ (-1), by the Kissinger and Starink methods, respectively.
A new modifying agent, ZnS, was used as a refiner to modify primary silicon in hypereutectic AlSi alloy. The factors affecting the modification results, includi
摘 要造成目前学生普遍反映物理学科难度大、学习热情和学习信心受打击的现实的原因在于我们没有尽最大可能地实现课堂教学的形式和内容优化。所以笔者从这个角度来分析了初中物理如何进行合理教学。   关键词 初中物理 课堂教学 兴趣    物理是学生普遍反映的难度较大的学科,也是容易伤害学生学习热情的一个学科,相当一部分的学生对物理的感情是高山仰止,而不是乐在其中,这种情况之下,提高学生的物理思维能力、增强
摘 要 语文学习的外延和生活一样宽阔。语文的课堂教学中联系生活实际,能生动课堂,拓展学生的思维,培养学生学习语文的兴趣,提高学生的语文素养,促进学生终身发展。课堂因为有了生活而精彩,让生活成为课堂教学的一部分,让生活在课堂上闪光。  关键词 课堂教学 师生关系 生活实际    “语文课程应致力于学生语文素养的形成与了发展, 语文素养是学生学好其他课程的基础,也是学生全画发展和终身发展的基础”。依据
数学学习往往是通过作业,以达到对知识的理解和巩固,因此检查作是数学教学过程中的重要环节,是协调学生学习过程的各个方面的重要手段和了解学生学习情况的信息来源。作为教师,多年来深陷于作业堆中并付出大量“无效劳动”而烦恼。因此,解决“费时费力不见效”是教学改革的一个重要方面,为此想出各种对策,以达到降低作业的失真率,确保每个学生能把课上的知识转化为真知。  一、允许“空白的问号”  部分学生确实对于老师
摘 要 本文通过对相关教学案例的记录,分析了当前小学英语课堂教学偏离课改理念而存在的低效现象,并提出了相应解决对策。  关键词 小学英语 课堂教学 教学实效 案例分析与对策    新课程改革先进的教学理念逐渐被小学英语教师认可,并被广泛运用于各种教学实践,对小学英语教学产生了不置可的影响,但是,在实际课堂教学中,一些貌似遵循课改要求的教学活动,由于诸多方面因素却背离了课改理念,存在低效现象的问题。
《语文课程标准》明确提出:“写作是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我、进行创作性表述的过程。写作能力是语文素养的综合表现。”可见,写作在语文教学中占有举足轻重的地位。不过,作文教学历来是困扰广大教师的一个难题,从小学作文常见的问题中足可以反映出来。  一、小学作文存在的常见问题  当前小学生尤其是农村学生,由于他们不善于观察周边事,阅读书籍少,积累的词汇少,想象力差,口语表
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