一位颇有资历的社会学家,在对农村进行调研后,讲了一番令人震惊的话:“现在的农村青年,对土地的依恋感比较淡漠,对土地的热情明显不如上辈。再也不愿过那种‘脸朝黄土背靠天’的生活,能不种地尽量不种地,能享受的尽量享受……”在农村,尤其是沿海富裕的农村,出现了一批“吃喝玩乐样样精通,田里农活一窍不通”的“农民贵族”,这些年轻的“贵族们”的潇洒程度和花钱的阔绰足可与城里一些公子哥们媲美。 吃喝高档化。一些农村青年,“今朝有酒今朝醉”,没有远大的抱负和长远的目光,将父辈们留下的资产恣意挥霍。笔者对沿海一农村集镇调查后发现,自费出入饭
A well-qualified sociologist, after investigating the rural areas, made some shocking remarks: “Nowadays, the rural youth feel less attached to the land and are obviously less enthusiastic about the land than their predecessors. Do not want to live the kind of ’face loess back to heaven’, can not be farming as far as possible without land, enjoy the enjoyment of as much as possible ... ... ”In the rural areas, especially in the rich coastal areas, there have been a number of“ eat and drink All kinds of peasants and peasants who knew everything about the fields and did not know anything about farming in the fields ”. The youthfulness of these“ aristocrats ”and their generous spending of money can be compared with that of some of the elite boys and girls in the city. Eat and drink upscale. Some rural youth, who “have a drink nowadays,” have no ambitious vision and long-term vision and squander their assets left by their fathers. The author of a coastal town survey found that at their own expense out of rice