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水杉是我国古老而特有的优良树种,具有生长快、干形直、材质好、适应性强、病虫害少和树形美观等特点,是水、旱地区都能栽植,城乡绿化两宜的优良品种。 我场从一九六五年引进以来,已经十多年了。在上级党委的正确领导下,以阶级斗争为纲,以毛主席的哲学思想为指导,发扬“艰苦奋斗,自力更生”的革命精神,充分发动群众,树立为革命育苗、为战备栽树、为社会主义建设作出贡献的思想,把培育好水杉作为育苗生产中的主攻方向。但是,水杉母树少,种源奇缺,这是大量发展水杉的一大难题。面对这个情况,场党总支认为,要不要推广优良品种也是个路线问题,敢不敢迎着困难上,闯开新路,这是两种世界观的斗争。党总支坚信,只要相信群众,依靠群众,发挥群众的智慧,就一定能把水杉生产搞好。在场党总支的带领下组织了全场职工认真学习毛主席著作,以实践第一的观点对待水杉生产中的问题。这样,使大家提高了认识,鼓足了干劲,树雄心,立大志,大胆实践创新路,自力更生育水杉,在“实 Metasequoia is China’s ancient and unique fine tree species, with fast growth, dry straight, good material, adaptability, less pests and tree appearance and so on, is water, arid areas can be planted, both urban and rural greening fine varieties . It has been more than a decade since my introduction in 1965. Under the correct leadership of the party committees at the higher levels, taking class struggle as the key link and Chairman Mao’s philosophy as a guide, we should carry forward the revolutionary spirit of “working hard and self-reliance,” mobilize the masses to establish a seedling for the revolution, plant trees for war preparations, Doctrine to contribute to the construction of ideology, the cultivation of Metasequoia as the main direction of nursery production. However, there are few trees and rare provenances of the genus Metasequoia, which is a major challenge for the massive development of Metasequoia. In the face of this situation, the party branch chief believes that it is a question of course whether to promote fine varieties or not, and to dare to face the difficulties and break new trails. This is a struggle between the two world views. The party branch firmly believes that as long as we can trust the masses, rely on the masses and give full play to the wisdom of the masses, we can certainly improve the production of metasequoia. Under the leadership of the party branch present at the scene, all the staff and workers of the entire party were organized to conscientiously study Chairman Mao’s work and practice the first point of view to deal with the problems in the production of Metasequoia. In this way, we have raised our awareness, energetic, energetic, ambitious, bold practice of innovative ways, independent live Metasequoia, in the "real
摘要:综合实践活动在教育领域当中得到了广泛的重视和认可,开展综合实践活动主要的目的,是为了让学生能在实践操作的过程中,更好的运用知识来解决实际问题,为学生的思维能力提升和创造能力的培养做出贡献。因此,当前在初中的数学教学当中,深入的挖掘综合实践活动资源就显得更加重要。本文主要对初中数学教学中综合实践活动资源的挖掘进行了分析,希望为初中数学教学开展提供一些有益的建议。  关键词:初中数学;综合实践;