Sedimentary ladderane core lipids as potential indicators of hypoxia in the East China Sea

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Susan616
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Anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation) is an important process in many suboxic to anoxic marine environments for converting fixed nitrogen to N 2 , and has a major impact on the marine nitrogen cycle. Ladderane core lipids have been utilized as an indicator of the contribution of anammox to the marine nitrogen cycles. However, such studies have not been reported for the China seas and little is known about the importance of anammox within the nitrogen cycle of these marginal seas. In the research reported here, the ladderane core lipid contents of 17 surface sediment samples from the East China Sea are reported, and their spatial distribution is investigated. C 18 -[5]-ladderane FAME, C 20 -[5]-ladderane FAME and C 20 -[3]- ladderane FAME have all been detected, suggesting that the anammox bacteria are widely present within the study area. The total contents of the three ladderane lipids (∑FAMEs) range from 24-355 ng/g (weight of dry sediments), with higher contents occurring in the Minzhe Mud Zone and broadly coincident with the spatial distribution of hypoxia. It is suggested that the sedimentary ladderane core lipids are mainly produced in the water column and their sedimentary contents can be used as indicators of water column hypoxia. Anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation) is an important process in many suboxic to anoxic marine environments for converting fixed nitrogen to N2, and has a major impact on the marine nitrogen cycle. Ladder core lipids have been utilized as an indicator of the contribution of anammox However, such studies have not been reported for the China seas and little is known about the importance of anammox within the nitrogen cycle of these marginal seas. In the research reported here, the ladderane core lipid contents of 17 surface C 18 - [5] -ladderane FAME, C 20 - [5] -ladderane FAME and C 20 - [3] - ladderane FAME have all been detected , suggesting that the anammox bacteria are widely present in the study area. The total contents of the three ladderane lipids (ΣFAMEs) range from 24-355 ng / g (weight of dry sediments), with higher contents occurring in the Minzhe Mud Zone and broadly coincident with the spatial distribution of hypoxia. It is suggested that the sedimentary ladderane core lipids are mainly produced in the water column and their sedimentary contents can be used as indicators of water column hypoxia.
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摘要 开放式的教学内容可以为学生学习提供广阔的空间。通过讲求教学内容的开放性,提高问题探究的开放性和体现结论表述的开放性,使学生有更多的个性选择,从而为学生的创新活动提供最基本的条件,为他们刨新活动的展开提供更多的可能。  关键词 开放 广阔空间 个性选择  培养学生的创新精神和实践能力是素质教育的重点。科学课是实施素质教育的重要渠道。因此,要有适合学生开展创新活动的教材,使培养学生创新精神和实践