《十月围城》 年度收官之作的乐与路

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尽管国内贺岁档的硝烟从2009年尾一路弥漫到2010年春节,那些票房、口碑、评分、排名等软硬标准尚没有最终定论,但至少我们在去年的最后一个月,等到了一部用心锻造的收官之作——《十月围城》。《风云2》、《三枪拍案惊奇》、《刺陵》与《十月围城》捉对厮杀时,同行之中最流行的一句话就是,“‘三枪’摆不上台面,但很好写;‘围城’坊间评价高,但极难写。”比起张艺谋、张伟平、孙红雷、小沈阳、闫妮等人的疯狂宣传攻势,陈可辛、陈德森与一班主演混搭着出击应战,却不小心分散了兵力,来了这个少了那个,能写的点也早已被写透,让记者们无从下笔。“其他都是假的,只有票房才是硬道理!”陈可辛在发布会上的豪言犹在耳畔,上映首周末全国票房7000万,第二周票房近亿元的表现,与片方的预期仍有差距。《十月围城》够深沉,就像梁家辉的革命口号、巴特尔的英勇就义般荡气回肠催人泪下;《十月围城》也够幽默,一时间引来无数网友“搞笑解读”。无论结果成或败,《十月围城》都为2009年的尾巴画了浓墨重彩的一笔,在它背后,是华语商业电影良性变革、上下求索的乐与路。 Although the smoke from the Lunar New Year stalls spread from the end of 2009 to the Spring Festival of 2010, there is no final conclusion on the hardware and software standards such as box office, word-of-mouth, rating and rankings. However, at least we had forged in the last month of last year The closing act - “October Besieged City.” The most popular words among fellow travelers were Stormwind 2, Three Shoots, Surprise, Thorn Tale and The Siege of October. Write; ’siege’ evaluation of high, but very hard to write. “Compared to Zhang Yimou, Zhang Weiping, Honglei, a small Shenyang, Yan Ni and others crazy propaganda offensive, Peter Chan, Teddy Chen and a classmate mix and match attack, but not Be careful to disperse the strength, come to the less that can write the point has also been thoroughly written, so that reporters can not write down. ”The other is fake, only the box office is the last word! “ Peter Chan at the press conference’s pride still in my ears, released the first weekend the national box office 70 million, the second week of box office nearly billion performance, and the chip side of the expected animal. ”October Besieged City“ deep enough, just like Tony Leung Ka Fai’s revolutionary slogan, Battle of bravery and martyr moaning breathtaking; ”October Besieged City“ is also enough of a humor, for a time attracted countless friends ”funny interpretation “. Regardless of whether the result is successful or not, the ”Fortress Besieged in October" draws a solid note for the tail of 2009. Behind it is the joy and happiness of sound changes in Chinese commercial films.
随着科学技术的发展,我国营林工作质量有了很大的提高,但是仍然有一些问题存在,对此,必须采取必要的措施加以改进,提高营林生产的目的。 With the development of science a