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稳定土地承包关系,是党的农村政策的核心内容。垦区以粮食生产为主,土地承包是垦区发展的一项长期的、大量的、基础性工作。做好土地承包档案工作,管好用好土地承包档案,对于全面执行党的农村政策,维护农场和农户的利益,调动家庭农场、农户的积极性,具有不可低估的作用。一、土地承包档案的特点和内容土地承包档案属专业性档案,是在土地承包过程中产生形成的,除具有一般档案的共性外,其自身的特点主要有:1、广泛性。实行土地承包经营,不是个别地区少数人的行为,从全国广大农村到国有农场,全部实行了以家庭承包为基础的土地承包经营,垦区家庭农场、农户与农场之间普遍建立了土地承包关系,产生了大量反映这种关系的各类档案,土地承包档案资料普遍形成。2、经常性。在土地承包过程中,绝大多数农场在保持总的政策原则不变的基础上,根据情况的变化,需要经常调整土地承包关系。如过去职工承包土地面 Stabilizing the land contractual relationship is the core content of the party’s rural policy. Land reclamation is mainly grain production, and land contracting is a long-term, large-scale and basic work for the development of reclamation areas. Do a good job of land contract archives, management and use of land contract archives, for the full implementation of the party’s rural policy, safeguard the interests of farms and farmers, mobilize the enthusiasm of family farms, farmers, with a can not be underestimated. First, the characteristics and content of the land contract file Land contract file is a professional file, is formed in the process of land contract, in addition to the commonalities of the general file, its own characteristics are: 1, extensive. The implementation of land contractual management is not the behavior of a few people in some areas. From the vast rural areas to the state-owned farms throughout the country, all land contracting operations based on family contracting have been practiced. Land contractual relations have been established between family farms, farms and farms in reclamation areas, A large number of all kinds of files have been produced reflecting this kind of relationship, and land contractual archives have been generally formed. 2, regular. In the process of land contracting, most of the farms need to adjust the contractual relationship of land on a frequent basis, based on the change of circumstances, while keeping the overall policy principle unchanged. As in the past workers contract land surface
本文提出采用电子计算机网络技术代替书面形式传递及管理我局文件资料的理由 This article presents the rationale for the use of electronic computer network technolog
6月19日室内温度颇高心情:不安我坐在电视机面前的时候,常会有种忐忑感。我总是害怕,我会在它面前慢慢退化,变成一种植物或者其他什么的宛如死亡般静止的生物。 June 19th
2000年3月中旬至6月底 ,嘉峪关市档案局举办了六期“三集中”(即 :市属各单位档案员集中、立卷时间集中、立卷地点集中 )文书档案立卷培训班。培训班以文书档案立卷年年清 ,确保案
各省、自治区、直辖市、副省级市、计划单列市档案学会 ,中央专业系统档案学会、分会 ,总参办公厅档案局 :中国档案学会自1981年成立以来 ,遵循本会宗旨 ,积极开展档案学术活动 ,
我们准备为将来过好日子花的钱,常常超过我们好日子里的消费。 We are prepared to spend more money on good days than we often spend on good days.
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