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一九六八年十二月五日《人民日报》发表了长阳县乐园公社《深受贫下中农欢迎的合作医疗制度》并且加了“编者按”。七年来,乐园公社卫生面貌有了迅速的改变,把过去一个缺医少药的穷山窝,变成了有医有药的新山村,医疗卫生网点遍布全公社。现在除公社卫生所外,大队有卫生室,生产队有土药房,大队有二至三名赤脚医生,小队有两名卫生员,他们除能治一般常见病、多发病外,公社卫生所能做计划生育的四种手术和下腹部手术,有的赤脚医生也能做一些小手术。基本上做到了无病早防,有病早治,方便了群众。由于认真执行了“预防为主”的方针,发病率大大下降,还治愈了一批久治不愈的痼疾。现在他们有计划、有步骤地开展了对地方病、常见病、多发病的普查工作,制定了消灭和控制计划。他们坚持自力更生,依靠群众办医,大搞中草药的采、种、制,充分发挥 On December 5th, 1968, the “People’s Daily” published Changyang County Paradise Commune “Cooperative Medical System Welcomed by the Poor, Peasants and the Middle East” and added “Editor’s note”. In the past seven years, the public health of the park community has rapidly changed, transforming a poor mountain nest that was short of medicine and medicine into a village with medicine and medicine and Xinsheng Village. Medical and health outlets are spread throughout the communes. Apart from the commune health clinic, the brigade has a health room, the production team has a soil pharmacy, the brigade has two to three barefoot doctors, and the team has two health workers. Apart from being able to treat common and frequently-occurring diseases, the public health agency can do There are four operations for family planning and lower abdominal surgery. Some barefoot doctors can also perform minor operations. Basically, the disease-free early prevention, early treatment with disease, and convenience for the people. Due to the careful implementation of the “prevention-based” approach, the incidence rate has dropped significantly and a number of chronic diseases have been cured. Now they have systematically and systematically carried out census work on endemic diseases, common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases, and formulated plans for elimination and control. They insist on self-reliance, rely on the masses for medical treatment, and vigorously promote the adoption, cultivation, and production of Chinese herbal medicines.
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