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通过化学镀的方法在石墨颗粒表面涂覆了1层均匀连续的镍镀层,并采用铸造法将2%的镀镍石墨颗粒加入Al-11%Si中间合金中,在750℃下保温搅拌1 min.研究了镀镍石墨含量对铸造石墨/铝基自润滑材料性能的影响.采用电子万能试验机、布氏硬度仪、MM-200摩擦磨损试验机和Olympus金相显微镜等仪器对材料的组织和性能进行了表征.结果表明,在基体中加入2%的镀镍石墨后,共晶硅尺寸减小,基体的硬度提高4%,强度提高11.41%,同时材料的摩擦系数降低21%,磨损率降低47.65%.
A dichotomous key and descriptions of the species of pitcher plants recorded from bris forest at Jambu Bongkok is given. Three species of pitcher plants were re
[目的]观察能全特XP-2对苯丙酮尿症(phenylretonuria,PKU)的临床反应,为临床治疗提供依据.[方法]根据和,制定"含1份(50 mg)苯丙氨酸的常见食物列表"和"苯丙氨酸含量很少的食
红提葡萄经1.8kj/m2UV-C照射后,贮期发病率较对照有所减轻,但无显著差异,葡萄皮中白藜芦醇及白藜芦醇苷含量较对照有所提高,处理后第8天其含量分别为100.28μg/100 g·Fw和17
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Objective To investigate the effects of red orpiment on cell morphology, expression of promyelocytic leukemia (PML) mRNA and its protein localization in NB4 and